Posted on May 13, 2014
SPC Graphics
I'm a 25M10 SPC(p) for over 2yrs. Since the Army is down sizing it seems they don't need as many E5s. How long should I wait to re class?
Posted in these groups: 72918f9c Promotable
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Responses: 2
SFC Jeffey Hackett
SFC (Ret) Hackett,

of course I do not know you personally, and I will probably say some things you already know.

The E-5/E-6 board is the first step getting that promotable status, so at this point, the only thing about your MOS at this stage is going to be, how high are the points to make the cut off to get promoted. Soldiers/NCO ETS everyday so your theory of they do not need any more SGT's is not true.
so the question you need to ask yourself is, how many points do I have and how many more points do I need to make cut off. your goal should be to max out your points and then there is no doubt you will make the cut off and finally get pinned. END STATE: it does not matter what your MOS is, you have to have the points to get promoted, this only applies for the E-5/E-6 board. So you need to get after those points I.e. correspondence courses, online college course, military schools etc. I would also check on your Promotable status, you said you have been a SPC(p) for two years but you also need to recertify that status I think at 12 months, if not it can be taken away. I hope this helps good luck
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1SG Visual Information Operations Chief
SPC (Join to see)

As a fellow 25M, I would ask you a few questions. Do you enjoy being a graphic designer in the Army? Are you doing your Job? What other MOS's are you interested?

If you do decide to re-class and you still want to use your creative abilities then you should consider 46R/46Q. Especially, 46R they promote on a faster rate and they get to do their job on daily basis. Finally, you will marketable if you decide to get out in the future.
SPC Graphics
SPC (Join to see)
10 y
I'm on orders so I can't reclass right now I do like it but if I get the chance I'm re classing this is a dead end mos
1SG Visual Information Operations Chief
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
SPC (Join to see)

I see that you have made up your mind and you want to serve in the military. My advise is to reclass into the Civil Affairs CMF. I have a few buddies in that MOS and they love it.
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