Posted on Jan 22, 2016
What are some of your funniest, most memorable, and most useful acronyms you have used?
I will start. "DIRTFOOT" ( Dirtft) " Do it right the first time." When I was active duty "SHAM " meant, "secretly holding A meeting." What are some of yours ?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 57
Throughout the ages, we've been pestered by REMFs (Rear Echelon Mike Foxtrots). I dropped the acronym on some British officers while we were having lunch at the French Military Liaison Mission in Phnom Penh. Apparently we don't have the corner on them. The Colonial just laughed at my explanation saying "You Colonials have a way with words. We call them TIPs; Tactically Insignificant Personnel."
Great one in Artillery FIFI-FIL F$%K it fire it, Fix it Later.... Others which I wont write out here are GFY, ESAD, FUPA, BAM.
The Army has a new piece of equipment named the " Forward Unit Combat Kitchen". So if you hear someone say, "Let's get the F*UCK out of here, alert the mess section.
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