Posted on Jan 17, 2016
Do Retention NCOs tell you the truth in regards to PCS Assignments?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 4
Yes they do. SMs sometimes make the mistake of assuming that they will PCS to the assignment they have reenlisted for in short fashion, but this is not always the fact, due to the continuing changes of our formations throughout the Military. If a SM reenlists for choice of assignment, they will get it, just not always as quickly as they may expect.
I always do, I never lie. I do my absolute best, but I always tell them that in the end its up to branch to accept or deny assignment requests. Even if there is an open assignment in EDAS, it does not mean that branch will give that open assignment to the Soldier.
MSG Marshall Rader, you are correct. I have one SPC who was trying to get an assignment but ran into some interference. Suffice it to say, she will have to stay in place for one and half years before going to Germany. She is upset about the circumstances, but she knows it will be coming. The problem is that if she promotes, then they have to change the assignment. In this time of promote and advance, the hampering and stifling of someone's career based on an assignment is bad bull. When I head this, I had to shake my head at the incredible inefficiency of the Army.
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