Posted on Jan 17, 2016
What RallyPoint topics do you purposely stay away from? Why?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 26
SGT (Join to see), I tend to stay away from politics, religion, and topics of a sexual nature (other than SHARP). I do this for three reasons. First, I have always believed that those three topics can be very volatile and tend to spiral into some very nasty dialogue. Second, since I have been a member of RallyPoint, I have not had anything constructive to offer on any of those three topics. And third, I personally do not see much professional development value in either of those topics.
Heated ideological arguments; these are always futile and lose/lose conversations.
SGT (Join to see)
I agree. Once it's an "argument," it's just a waste of server space in more ways than not. Similar to what SGM David W. Carr LOM, DMSM MP SGT said about LGBT.
I think LGBT is a personal thing and ones views should not be forced down upon another
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