Posted on Jan 13, 2016
Has an Army servicemember ever encountered a NCO that has recieved a 5/5 on their NCOER?
I know that many of you have had or seen dozens of NCOERs. Has anyone ever encountered an NCO with a 5/5 and if so what kind of behavior(s) warranted a 5/5 rating?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 4
I had an NCO who got in a fight in an off post bar at closing time in uniform. Before he was arrested, he beat up a dude and his girlfriend after some words were exchanged and both had had too many beverages.
By my reckoning, he broke a half-dozen UCMJ articles in the process, and when he came to my office to face the music, he didn't think he'd done anything wrong.
The commander decided not to press charges, not wanting to screw up his pending commissioning as an officer. But his NCOER reflected "no" in Honor under Army Values, NI-some in leadership with supporting bullets, NI-much in responsibility and accountability, overall Marginal rating, and a 5/5.
It still pisses me off that the BC did not throw the book at him.
By my reckoning, he broke a half-dozen UCMJ articles in the process, and when he came to my office to face the music, he didn't think he'd done anything wrong.
The commander decided not to press charges, not wanting to screw up his pending commissioning as an officer. But his NCOER reflected "no" in Honor under Army Values, NI-some in leadership with supporting bullets, NI-much in responsibility and accountability, overall Marginal rating, and a 5/5.
It still pisses me off that the BC did not throw the book at him.
1SG (Join to see)
SGT S Sharpless - I brought it over to my desktop in order to make it bigger, but unfortunately it is still not legible. From what I can glean, it appears that you are being held to account for a single incident. I think it is best if we take this offline for now, and I'll post more general advice here and specifics to you.
I have a few thoughts at the outset, but I want to make sure I understand the bullets clearly.
I have a few thoughts at the outset, but I want to make sure I understand the bullets clearly.
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
One true way of getting the board's attention was to NOT put any bullets at all. Since the rater and senior rater were willing to allow this to happen, it was obvious that this was an intentional act, and not by omission. The obvious board candidate was subsequently denied any promotion status. By the way, it was a 4/4 on the ncoer.
SGT (Join to see)
If you upload it on this site, it may enlarge it enough to help -
I've only ever seen it for drugs, DUI, assault, SHARP/EO violations, etc...
SGT S Sharpless
Most people that I have spoken to have said they have never seen a 5/5. I think I got screwed over with this one.
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