Posted on Dec 18, 2015
Did you know 14,000 German and Italian immigrants and citizens were interred, and some sent back to their "homelands" for persecution?
The story of the approximately 14,000 German- and Italian-Americans and aliens interned during the war is officially filed under “never remind.”
Here is the Story of one Brooklyn native who later became a Air Force Veteran.
Here is the Story of one Brooklyn native who later became a Air Force Veteran.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 9
SSG Gerhard S. I was aware that some German and Italian people were interred during WWII; but, I did not realize that there were 14,000 of them. I did not realize that some German and Italian people were sent by the US government back to their countries of origin.
I am glad to learn that the Nazi kid from Brooklyn Arthur Jacobs who was sent back to the country of his German parents not only wasn't bitter; but, he went on to serve nearly twenty-five years in the Air Force and retire with the rank of Major. Thanks for sharing an interesting story.
I am glad to learn that the Nazi kid from Brooklyn Arthur Jacobs who was sent back to the country of his German parents not only wasn't bitter; but, he went on to serve nearly twenty-five years in the Air Force and retire with the rank of Major. Thanks for sharing an interesting story.
SSG Gerhard S.
What is particularly troubling is the issue of the interred Japanese advocates doing everything they can to keep the fact of Germans and Italians out of the spotlight. Additionally, it's telling that many of the Japanese received reparations, while, apparently, none of the Germans or Italians did.
PO3 (Join to see)
SSG Gerhard S. - Yes, I asked that question long ago, and look into it myself. It is pretty interesting on why they do it. It got everything to do with pushing involvement into Asia.
There are many attempts to convince citizens of the USA to accept the idea that Syrian refugees should be allowed and encouraged to emigrate here. One of the most disingenuous is the Huffington Post article which attempts to equate Syrian refugees leaving Syria to the holy Family of Joseph, Mary and the toddler Jesus traveling to Egypt.
Joseph was directed by God in a dream to flee with his wife and child to Egypt to fulfil 2 prophecies (1) the slaughter of the innocents which would take place in Bethlehem and (2) that the Christ would be called out from Egypt Hosea 11:1
Since the Hand of God directed Joseph and Mary with Jesus they were in no serious danger - the Huffington Post as usual resorts to hyperbole.
The parallels between the Holy family's trek across land primarily to Egypt and the "Syrian" refugees is loose at best. It would make perfect sense if the comparison was made to Syrians leaving Syria for Turkey or even Kuwait and Saudi Arabia which are similar in climate and culture in many respects.
To be frank, logical arguments have a better chance of swaying minds that appeals to false premises which is exactly what the Huffington Post article doing.
LTC Stephen C. CPT Jack Durish Capt Seid Waddell
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS SSgt (Join to see) PO1 John Miller SSG Gerhard S. SGT Forrest Stewart SGT Robert Hawks SGT (Join to see) SGT Randal Groover
Joseph was directed by God in a dream to flee with his wife and child to Egypt to fulfil 2 prophecies (1) the slaughter of the innocents which would take place in Bethlehem and (2) that the Christ would be called out from Egypt Hosea 11:1
Since the Hand of God directed Joseph and Mary with Jesus they were in no serious danger - the Huffington Post as usual resorts to hyperbole.
The parallels between the Holy family's trek across land primarily to Egypt and the "Syrian" refugees is loose at best. It would make perfect sense if the comparison was made to Syrians leaving Syria for Turkey or even Kuwait and Saudi Arabia which are similar in climate and culture in many respects.
To be frank, logical arguments have a better chance of swaying minds that appeals to false premises which is exactly what the Huffington Post article doing.
LTC Stephen C. CPT Jack Durish Capt Seid Waddell
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS SSgt (Join to see) PO1 John Miller SSG Gerhard S. SGT Forrest Stewart SGT Robert Hawks SGT (Join to see) SGT Randal Groover
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