Posted on May 1, 2014
Do you wear your ribbons with the class B uniform?
Do you wear your ribbons with the class B uniform?
Edited 11 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 19
No, I only wear my name plate and sometimes my regimental crest. Trying to wear my ribbons and badges on the shirt (thin material) is too heavy and pulls the shirt down. I don't feel I need to impress anyone with all the bling on the class Bs that is for the As.
I humbly submit this, whether A’s or B’s, you are a walking billboard of your military service. On the class B’s, wear your ribbons if you believe you earned them and set an outstanding example of a proud heritage that might just inspire someone to want to be more than they are, it may be a bit uncomfortable but when has that ever prevented us from doing our best.
SSG(P) Matthew Bisbee
Well said SFC (P) Aaron Fore.! I am now out, but when I was at Bragg, I wore my ribbons, jump wings, aircrew badge, unit awards and regimental affiliation crest on my A's and my B's.
MSG (Join to see)
Agreed. My old 1SG brought me up with the mindset of, "if it's on your ERB, you need to wear it". Cost or extra time putting the unifrom together should never be the determining factor. Whether it's the ASU or ACU, it shouldn't matter.
SFC (Join to see)
I wore everything on my B's once and my CSM called me a ''dork.'' He was in front of his ''cronies'' at the time. But I was told that later on he thought I looked sharp either way.
Nope. That's another $30 worth of kit. Name tag. Plus on the days where I forget a white t-shirt, it reduces the number of "dammit" bites on my skinny chest.
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