Posted on Apr 30, 2014
SSG Kevin McCulley
So I was informed this morning that TRADOC says we aren't allowed to address Privates by their rank because it is demeaning... WHO COMES UP WITH THIS STUFF?!

CLARIFICATION: You cannot address them SOLELY by their rank.
Posted in these groups: IET TraineeRank RankTRADOC
Edited 11 y ago
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Responses: 62
SSG Robert Burns
Here's my take on it and the thought of this sickens me. Since when did rank, any rank become demeaning? Last time I checked, you were proud of your rank. When a Soldier comes to me and says "excuse me sergeant" the last thing I think of is this Soldier is demeaning me. That is ridiculous. This statement, act, or policy, diminishes rank. The policy is demeaning, not the rank.
SGT(P) Food Safety Inspector
SGT(P) (Join to see)
11 y
I was always under the impression addressing anyone by anything other than their rank was disrespectful. I agree with your statement I don't think that we should adjust tradition and years of customs for a perception like this.
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SSG Nathan Bryant
Edited 11 y ago
The problem was that many would say "Hey Private" or even drag out the "Priiiiivvaatte" somehow in such a way that it was deemed inappropriate. It would be similar to a few Sergeants First Class and Staff Sergeants to refer to an E-5 as "Buck-Sergeant".

It's too easy to just refer to a group as "1st Platoon" or "2nd Squad" . . . or an individual as "Private Jones".

I see no problem with it.
MSG G 3 Operations Ncoic
MSG (Join to see)
11 y
If I don't see a name / rank the title is Soldier.
MAJ Dallas D.
MAJ Dallas D.
11 y
I think MAJ Ballinger hit the nail on the head, the training should be hard, you should get your feelings hurt, no one cares if your feelings are hurt when the bullets start flying.

I think the problem is we sometimes forget that no matter what your job is in the Army it's is till the same - "Shoot, Move and Communicate" - "Kill the Enemy"
SSG(P) Cpn Section Sergeant
SSG(P) (Join to see)
11 y
Good Point SSG Bryant. When I was in WLC, they called you SGT. I was a SPC (P) at the time, but it did sound demeaning in way. But it didn't bother me. Its just a rank. Soldiers now-a-days don't have tough skin.
SSG Kevin McCulley
SSG Kevin McCulley
>1 y
Frankly, I think this will or already is contributing to the suicide issue. Resilience is not something that can be briefed via a powerpoint slide. It is a defense mechanism generated in response to stress... our youth face the some of the most stress free lives on the planet. The realities and rigors of the martial lifestyle and suddenly reality and totality of the UCMJ find some of them fully unprepared.

The basic training experience presents perhaps one of the only opportunities to subject a human brain to the kind of stress necessary to build this quality in a way with the least risk of trauma.. Why? Because it is EXPECTED! Every one of us EXPECTED MORE! We were, in fact, PREPARED FOR IT! We can be placed under intense stress while still at the back of our minds we know the real mortal danger is inattention.

Any point past the IMT environment will damage the soldier because of the perceived 'wrongness' of it. Resentment will build, trauma will be inflicted. Our forefathers created the indoctrination experience for a reason.
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SFC William Swartz Jr
Compared to some of the things that I was called in OSUT way back in the "Dark Ages", call me private all day long lol!!
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
10 y
My favorite title was "STUMP"
Stupid Trainee Under Military Protection
SSG Civil Affairs Nco
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
I would love to say I'm gonna use that one, but I guess I would be breaking the rules.....(so I won't say it..cough, cough). Haha, STUMP. That is hilarious. I really would like to know when the term ass-clown became popular. I remember the first time a NCO called me ass-clown, I couldn't hold back my laughter!
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
10 y
SSG (Join to see) From my experience I believe these are created with the single purpose of getting you to giggle - which insures a more more personal and enriching gig.
SSG Civil Affairs Nco
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
Oh believe me, the effect of the cause was not worth the giggle. You guys ever get the "Why are you eye !@#$% me PRAHVET!?!?!, you !@#$%^ my wife PRAHVET?" So vulgar and enriching were the days of the BDU; "helps build character" they said.
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