Posted on Dec 2, 2015
SPC(P) Cannon Crew Member
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 45
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
OK, kids. Let me introduce a basic concept. Despite the rumors and stories you've been told:
Restrictions on Soldiers during AIT is not new. They certainly go back to when I was a boot back in 1993.
It is not because somebody screwed up last cycle.
It is not because of new SHARP policies.
It is not to prevent incidents.
It is not to treat you like children.

The reason there are restrictions on AIT students is because they have one solitary mission - to learn their MOS. Distractions, video games, going out on weekends (although they generally do issue weekend passes in the latter phases of longer AIT cycles), chasing tail, alcohol, and the sundry other things that unattached very young people with money to burn will get into distract from that mission, and often end up derailing a young career before it even begins.
Focus on drinking in as much knowledge as you can so you can be an asset to your unit when you report. Freedom will follow.
A1C Allen Forbes
A1C Allen Forbes
9 y
Also culture shock. The first time you go off base it can be overwhelming. Plus the more freedom they give you the more proverbial rope they give you to hang yourself. You've been in a structured environment for a couple of months. It's not punishment but reinforcement of focusing on your individual training.
SPC Randall Eichelberger
SPC Randall Eichelberger
9 y
Top we all know its because the DS' don't want to get called on their weekend to come pick up a joe from jail or the PMO. I kid of course. Your answer is probably one of the most to the truth of the matter, mission first.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
SGM Mark Kelley - Hypothetically I agree with you, but all of those restrictions are there specifically to keep the students focused on what they're supposed to be doing instead of all the nonsense they could be doing instead. I get letting adults be adults and I practice it myself, but restrictions on Soldiers during training has been done this way for decades because experience teaches that without restrictions, you wind up losing what were potentially good Soldiers to the resulting punitive actions or other consequences of their jackassery. Keeping them on lockdown until they've acclimated to the military is a pretty good business practice.
SGT Charles Wheeler
SGT Charles Wheeler
>1 y
Sounds like me in Korea.
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COL Strategic Plans Chief
Because the majority of issues we have in the military occur in the demographics you are surrounded by now. You are a Soldier now, but you aren't fully indocrinated. Your question tells me that. You shouldn't be concerned with the restrictions. The fact that you can even post this on line tells me that the restrictions you are referencing are MUCH less than what they used to be. Regulation. Drill. Repetition. Rules. Loss of self. Service. Then...the restrictions begin to go away.
SFC Platoon Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Great response, couldn't agree more.
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
>1 y
Further, jumping from an environment that is essentially lock-down (BCT) to one that is not is just begging for trouble. AIT was/is supposed to gradually loosen the lockdown as you progress through it and show that you are capable of behaving yourself.
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SGT Patrick Reno
What restrictions in AIT. When I went through basic and AIT in 1982 for 11B it was all rolled into one. There was no difference from basic to AIT. When I went to see my son graduate basic I thought he had more freedom then I had on some duty assignments. You need to suck it up buttercup. If you can't handle AIT your in the wrong business.
SGT Patrick Reno
SGT Patrick Reno
9 y
Could not belive when my son was in AIT. Cell phone every night . PX every weekend.
MAJ Alvin B.
MAJ Alvin B.
9 y
Some MOS have one station unit training (essentially BCT and AIT combined), others conduct AIT at different locations, other Army installations, or at joint training sites with the Navy, Air Force and Marines.
SPC Kevin Sypnier
SPC Kevin Sypnier
9 y
It's osit one station initially training. At Sand hill 11B still does it straight through
SGT Charles Wheeler
SGT Charles Wheeler
>1 y
AIT at Ft. Gordon 1981. No different than being in a regular unit.
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