Posted on Nov 27, 2015
SSG Intelligence Sergeant
Serena Shim was an AMERICAN journalist reporting from Turkey. After she revealed how ISIS was using World Food Program trucks to funnel in weapons and equipment to Syria, she was constantly harassed by the Turkish government and threatened to be charged as a spy. She was driving in Turkey one day when her car was hit head on by a cement truck. She and the other passenger was still alive after the accident. The passenger was taken to a nearby hospital while she was taken somewhere else (still unknown). The White House said it does not investigate deaths of American citizens in other countries, which is a lie.

Check out this video for more information.
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Responses: 4
CSM Carl Cunningham
I haven't heard of this one. Pretty interesting. This would make for a great storyline on the show Homeland. Some people just do not know how to avoid danger.
CSM Carl Cunningham
CSM Carl Cunningham
9 y
Important is relative. There is a reason we have intelligence agencies. Let them find out these things and do the "dirty work" in tracking bad guys.

As far as knowing what is "really" happening in other countries. We do not always get the real answers from news agencies anyways. I take everything I see on the news with a grain of salt. They are a business. And sometimes, the American people do not need to know everything that is happening over there. Americans should pay attention to what is going on with their own country before worrying about someone else's.
SSG Intelligence Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
CSM Carl Cunningham Open source information is important for developing a holistic assessment of what is going on in places where intelligence assets may not have the best placement and access. True, they are a business and publications have their own biases and agendas, but not all of them are as skewed as CNN or FOX. Some are dedicated to delivering stories that no one else wants to cover. As an AFRICOM analyst, open media is very important. I think Americans should focus more on fixing our own country than others, but it is still important to maintain situational awareness of what is going on around the world so we don't fall into the same traps as others.

What do you mean by "the American people do not need to know everything that is happening over there"?
CSM Carl Cunningham
CSM Carl Cunningham
9 y
Sometimes Americans stick their nose into business they should not. Bad things happen when you are out of your element.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
9 y
The world is a dangerous place. It is safe being a journalist in this country pointing the finger at government. It is not as safe doing so in other countries. You have to know you limitations or accept the risk. I would like to think this will be fully investigated but I am not that naïve. Too many powerful people and a trail that will lead to a dead end.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited 9 y ago
I have been tracking for a long time that the Islamic State was selling illicit oil to some entity in Turkey for quite some time. What I have not been able to figure was in exchange for what? And how did it get into Syria? Clearly the border police have to be complicit. It also explains why IS fought so hard for Kobani and other border areas.
There have been some implications that the arrangement isn't just smuggling, but government sanctioned. If it is, this is getting real complicated.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
CPT L S, it is probable the US Embassy is involved in the investigation, but because of the sensitivity of the issues at hand, will demur to the Turks, who will of course call it a "tragic accident" or some such.
Accusations down there get real personal, real fast. Turkey is probably the shakiest member of NATO.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
CPT L S, yes, Incrilik is exactly why we are kissing Turkey's butt.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
CPT L S, basically, I think no one in the administration wants to point out that the emperor has no clothes. I find it completely impossible that the White House does not have regional experts that are pointing these inconvenient facts out. While I can completely understand the reluctance to publicly castigate Turkey, to just turn a blind eye to what is blatantly occurring is pretty beyond the pale.
I am pretty much beside myself trying to figure out what we are trying to accomplish there. This has been just about THE most convoluted, non-sensical, and self-contradicting set of shifting policies regarding a country that I have ever seen... and that includes Iraq, Isreal, the Palestinians, Libya, Afghanistan, and several other gong shows the past 30 years.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
CPT L S - We've been in Incirlik a long, long time. If we don't that runway, air strikes against ISIS become a lot more problematic.

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