Posted on Nov 24, 2015
What awards are appropiate to give for retirement?
Awards: What awards are appropiate to give for retirement and what would a reason for and why an award and a retirement cermony or both be denied a SM when they have a clean record of service. I ask because this happened to my friend then they were also denied a flag. the only things that were received were the retirement certificates in the mail from the department of the Army and their Brigade.
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 58
The individual soldier reserves the right to refuse any award at any time for any reason. When retiring, my command wanted to give me an ARCOM for 23 years of service with 3 deployments (all three with leadership roles at or above my grade). I received ARCOMs for each of my deployments to Iraq and a JSAM for my deployment to Bosnia. I told my 1SG (who wrote my award) that I didn't care what he put me in for, but not to waste the paper if it wasn't at least an MSM. Any award less than an MSM for a retiring soldier regardless of rank is a slap in the face. Although, the regulation allows for it, an award should be based on the individual's achievements and performance, not on their grade. After our discussion, my 1SG fought to get me the MSM that I ended up with. Though we didn't always see eye to eye, he was one of the best 1SGs that I had in my 23 year career. He fought for what he thought was right regardless of his personal feelings on the matter.
SGM Mikel Dawson
All I received for my retirement is my pay. I got to agree with you. I'd tell them to shove it for an ARCOM.
MSG (Join to see)
I'm somewhat bitter over not getting a retirement award. I had even provided my last 10 years worth of NCOER's and other documents for reference. I served 36 "good" years with just over 15 years AFS. I even served in a GO command, and not 6 months before my retirement listened to the GO tell BDE/BN commanders/staff on a conference call, that absolutely no one who serves long enough for retirement should ever walk away without an award. Go figure.
The most egregious concern is why in the world he/she was denied a retirement flag to represent faithful service (I suspect because an admin NCO skipped that part of the retirement checklist). Beyond that, retirement ceremonies are optional and the SM generally bears the cost of the refreshments. As to awards, the most appropriate should be the one that is commensurate with the Soldier's accomplishments (to include rank & deployments) and length of service. Keep in mind that, according to regulation, anyone with "knowledge of" can write the award recommendation. Sometimes leaving that to the Commander or First Sergeant is problematic.
1SG (Join to see)
SSG Porter, Brad (1ea) - I agree...or if there is a peer that "has knowledge of," they could write the award as a development exercise and the PL, etc. that is also aware could sign it (benefit of rank consideration).
Depending on the soldier's prior awards and duty assignments, an MSM and perhaps Legion of Merit are appropriate awards SSG Byron Hewett.
If the soldier served in a joint billet a Defense Meritorious Medal could be appropriate.
If the soldier served in a joint billet a Defense Meritorious Medal could be appropriate.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Stephen F. - I also rather Like My LOA from Bill Clinton having finished My Career as Senior Spook on His Flag Ship, USS Arkansas CGN-41!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
LTC Stephen F. & SFC David Benter The unit that is no longer around because it was deactivated still had a higher headquarters. In that case the Higher Headquarters would be responsible for trackign down the award or resubmitting the award. I've been retired since Feb 1, 2012 and I'm still working on awards that have fel throught the cracks for soldiers that were assigned in both of my last Commands. They haven't been lost at the Brigade level, they are getting lost at the ESC level or at USAR HQ's. Reach out to your prior Commander or higher headquarters to see if they will help. Not all of them are cooperative. You need to have an "Eagle" instead of "Duck" that will help you. I hope you appreciate the analogy!
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