Posted on Nov 21, 2015
Professional development scenario - Unruly spouse at a Unit Ball. Are you Sergeant Morales or Sergeant Audie Murphy material?
We are getting to that time of year, when many units will have the unit ball/formal before the end of the year. So how do you handle an unruly spouse? Here's the scenario:
This is a formal event. the receiving line is complete, ladies have been seated, colors have been posted, toast's completed, some early entertainment complete, dinner served to most of the tables, when.....
The spouse of one of the commanders in attendance approaches and addresses a General Officer early in the evening with anger over the seating arrangements and said she felt slighted as to where she and her husband were sitting. He thanked her for her concern and continued his conversation (he was the guest speaker, not the host).
About an hour later, they were introducing the guest speaker (the same General Officer) - she interrupts the introduction and purposely walks behind the podium and states loudly enough for everyone to hear "Thanks for your concern" and stomps off, standing at the door looking at the General with a can hear a pin drop.........what do you do?
This is a formal event. the receiving line is complete, ladies have been seated, colors have been posted, toast's completed, some early entertainment complete, dinner served to most of the tables, when.....
The spouse of one of the commanders in attendance approaches and addresses a General Officer early in the evening with anger over the seating arrangements and said she felt slighted as to where she and her husband were sitting. He thanked her for her concern and continued his conversation (he was the guest speaker, not the host).
About an hour later, they were introducing the guest speaker (the same General Officer) - she interrupts the introduction and purposely walks behind the podium and states loudly enough for everyone to hear "Thanks for your concern" and stomps off, standing at the door looking at the General with a can hear a pin drop.........what do you do?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 183
Military social events are a scripted and rarefied atmosphere. Once out of the military all of this disappears. A decent husband would excuse himself and escort his wife home. A decent General would treat is as an anomaly and include it in a future speech as an anecdote.
MAJ John Adams
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana - And they shouldn't, but -- at least when I was on active duty -- there were many who would.
CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana
MAJ John Adams, same observation I had Sir; although we imparted, as leaders, that a happy family encourages positive thinking in troops, a misadventure by a spouse could result in a solid performer losing his support system or losing his livelihood. The cut-throat mentality was in abundance despite regulations encouraging second chances.
CSM Michael J. Uhlig Great story for you. My second wife got drunk at my retirement ball in front of my daughters, her parents, my parents, and about 250 guests that came to pay me tribute for my 37 years of service. I divorced her right afterwards! NO KIDDING!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Col John "Coach" Allison - No, that wasn't the only reason, but that was the final straw - many other reasons, cheating, pulling her out of bars on weekday nights, jail time for drinking, and motorcycle accident from drinking that almost killed her and I spent 4 months helping her through recovery, then once she was back driving all of the above started again. She was bi-polar and refused to take the medication verses giving up the beer/booze.
Col John "Coach" Allison
COL Mikel J. Burroughs - sorry, I read the hidden posts and saw the story. But still, she may have needed a lifeline rather than just a life boat. Rarely are people successful in the their first encounter with addiction therapy.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Col John "Coach" Allison - John I agree, but I spent 8 years trying to keep the water out of the life boat and established several lines through three different interventions with family members and professionals. It is what it is brother! It was time to move on!
Look under the table for the commander and tell him to go take care of his wife...
SPC Kelly Grindstaff
Time to get her out of there and get her attention about what is proper manners at these type of functions. Hell he should have had that conversation a long time ago, if he didn't it shows.
PO1 Chad Alcock
SGT Mark Daughenbaugh - My thought exactly. Quit taking her to any of the events. An unruly spouse can affect the SM's career, seen it a few times.
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