Posted on Nov 20, 2015
Is this the real reason the President isn't doing much about ISIS, not ISIL as he calls it?
Obama says ISIL, not ISIS, SHOCKING reason why
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 In one press c...
Is this the real reason Obama isn't doing much about Isis, not ISIL??
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
SFC Brian Ewing, I had never really thought about it, but the theory seems plausible. The facts remain: It seems that Obama IS "dragging his feet" when dealing with problems in the region, and our relationship with Israel seems to be at an all time low.
SFC Brian Ewing Interesting. I had noticed it too. I attributed it to misspeaking, failure to keep up with terms, errors by speech writers, lack of knowledge .....
SFC Brian Ewing
No Sir,
There is no way that they (his Speech Writers) would allow him to make a mistake like that and this is one of the ways we know he isn't making a mistake.
There is no way that they (his Speech Writers) would allow him to make a mistake like that and this is one of the ways we know he isn't making a mistake.
Wow. That does make sense. If you look at the degraded relationship with Israel and lack of movement with ISIS, it explains a lot.
SFC Brian Ewing
SGM, I really hate to point out stuff like this because I do not want to viewed as one who is "Unpatriotic" or someone who does not love his country but this is the truth and the truth must be told.
SGM (Join to see)
There is information that needs sharing. Thank you for pointing that out. So many military members are afraid to say anything negative or something that can be perceived as negative when talking about the President. The truth is the truth. It doesn't make you less patriotic. On the contrary. If the situation is one of a high ranking member is non patriotic, than sharing the truth about that is actually pretty damn patriotic. Keep up the fight. Let's keep America strong.
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