Posted on Apr 26, 2014
Should service members and/or their dependents be held accountable for harassment on social media sites?
More so referring to the whole Dependa statements on these social media sites.
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 5
Are we talking harassment? or being embarrassed for being called out as a narcissistic, self-righteous, opinionated, window-licking oxygen thief of a twat-waffle?
Most of the "harassment" I've seen is largely the result of someone's less than intelligent exposure of their ass. Libel and slander apply to lies said about an individual. If the truth is causing an individual pain, they should probably consider a change in behavior.
There is a reason the "Dependa" stereotype exists... Hide the Twinkies and Ho-Hos.
Most of the "harassment" I've seen is largely the result of someone's less than intelligent exposure of their ass. Libel and slander apply to lies said about an individual. If the truth is causing an individual pain, they should probably consider a change in behavior.
There is a reason the "Dependa" stereotype exists... Hide the Twinkies and Ho-Hos.
CW2 Joseph Evans
Oh geez, I had an ex-gf that would create fake social media profiles to harass herself to get extra attention from me... Completely forgot about that psycho episode... Thanks for the relationship PTSD relapse... Going to have nightmares now.
Service members can and will be held accountable for what they say and ost on social media.
CW2 Joseph Evans
Fortunately, we are reaching a point with the drawdown that the spouse can once again impact the career and retention of a Soldier or Officer. We will probably start to see a better caliber of military spouse as Soldiers recognize this and the military starts impacting careers as a result of spousal misconduct. Army Family and Total Soldier concepts include family life.
SSG (ret) William Martin
Let's say the SM's unit wants to punish the SM for his or her spouse's stupidity on a social media group. Who will bring this to light to the unit, the victim? I hope the CoC has time to sift through BS because that is what will be. Moving along...the SM may have no idea on what's going on so is the CoC going to investigate the spouse by calling him or her and discussing the situation? Guess what, pound sand because the spouse probably will not want to talk to the CoC. Also, harassment must be over a period of time, not just a few comments of making derogatory comments.
CW2 Joseph Evans
Problematic spouses usually create a series of events that are uncomfortable for commands. If multiple spouses have a problem with an individual (as long as the command isn't familiar with the clique). There is also the fact that a simple conversation with a spouse can provide valuable insight into a Soldier's judgment of character. Seriously, marry a drama queen/king? Move back to the trailer park.
I am an MP, and I can't tell you how frustrating it is and a waste of man power to answer a complaint for Facebook comments. These social media incidents from a legal perspective are sometimes difficult to investigate. A few things to know are whether or not if the sender is sent their "harassing" comments from off or on post and whether or not if the sender is liable under UCMJ. Basically, its a he said, she said sort of thing.
First, the social media comments must be established as harassing and who is going to investigate that? The answer is Military Police Investigations (MPI)if the incidents of going to be reported to the MP desk. I can turn over evidence to MPI from social media but I doubt MPI is going to touch it unless there are comments that suggest there are threats to harm bodily harm. All the so-called victim can do is block the sender but for some reason they don't like to hear that.
If MPI doesn't find any grounds to investigate the complaint maybe be declared as "unfounded". So will the unit get involved if it involves their soldier? They sure can but far as holding the dependent accountable, they don't have any authority to do so and most of us on here no this.
First, the social media comments must be established as harassing and who is going to investigate that? The answer is Military Police Investigations (MPI)if the incidents of going to be reported to the MP desk. I can turn over evidence to MPI from social media but I doubt MPI is going to touch it unless there are comments that suggest there are threats to harm bodily harm. All the so-called victim can do is block the sender but for some reason they don't like to hear that.
If MPI doesn't find any grounds to investigate the complaint maybe be declared as "unfounded". So will the unit get involved if it involves their soldier? They sure can but far as holding the dependent accountable, they don't have any authority to do so and most of us on here no this.
CW2 Joseph Evans
I really feel for you guys getting sent on wild goose chases. Especially over some of the stuff the "Dependas" like to get offended over.
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