Posted on Nov 16, 2015
"Islamic State threatens attack on Washington, other countries"
From: Reuters
Islamic State warned in a new video on Monday that countries taking part in air strikes against Syria would suffer the same fate as France, and threatened to attack in Washington.
The video, which appeared on a website used by Islamic State to post its messages, begins with news footage of the aftermath of Friday's Paris shootings in which at least 129 people were killed.
The message to countries involved in what it called the "crusader campaign" was delivered by a man dressed in fatigues and a turban, and identified in subtitles as Al Ghareeb the Algerian.
"We say to the states that take part in the crusader campaign that, by God, you will have a day, God willing, like France's and by God, as we struck France in the center of its abode in Paris, then we swear that we will strike America at its center in Washington," the man said.
It was not immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the video, which purports to be the work of Islamic State fighters in the Iraqi province of Salahuddine, north of Baghdad.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security would not comment on the video but said it has not received information indicating a potential attack.
"While we take all threats seriously, we do not have specific credible information of an attack on the U.S. homeland," a DHS official said on condition of anonymity.
The French government has called the Paris attacks an act of war and said it would not end its air strikes against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.
French fighter jets launched their biggest raids in Syria to date on Sunday, targeting the Islamic State's stronghold in the city of Raqqa, in coordination with U.S. forces.
Police raided homes of suspected Islamist militants across France overnight following the Paris attacks.
"Al Ghareeb the Algerian" also warned Europe in the video that more attacks were coming.
"I say to the European countries that we are coming, coming with booby traps and explosives, coming with explosive belts and (gun) silencers and you will be unable to stop us because today we are much stronger than before," he said.
Apparently referring to international talks to end the Syrian war, another man identified in the video as Al Karrar the Iraqi tells French President Francois Hollande "we have decided to negotiate with you in the trenches and not in the hotels."
Islamic State warned in a new video on Monday that countries taking part in air strikes against Syria would suffer the same fate as France, and threatened to attack in Washington.
The video, which appeared on a website used by Islamic State to post its messages, begins with news footage of the aftermath of Friday's Paris shootings in which at least 129 people were killed.
The message to countries involved in what it called the "crusader campaign" was delivered by a man dressed in fatigues and a turban, and identified in subtitles as Al Ghareeb the Algerian.
"We say to the states that take part in the crusader campaign that, by God, you will have a day, God willing, like France's and by God, as we struck France in the center of its abode in Paris, then we swear that we will strike America at its center in Washington," the man said.
It was not immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the video, which purports to be the work of Islamic State fighters in the Iraqi province of Salahuddine, north of Baghdad.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security would not comment on the video but said it has not received information indicating a potential attack.
"While we take all threats seriously, we do not have specific credible information of an attack on the U.S. homeland," a DHS official said on condition of anonymity.
The French government has called the Paris attacks an act of war and said it would not end its air strikes against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.
French fighter jets launched their biggest raids in Syria to date on Sunday, targeting the Islamic State's stronghold in the city of Raqqa, in coordination with U.S. forces.
Police raided homes of suspected Islamist militants across France overnight following the Paris attacks.
"Al Ghareeb the Algerian" also warned Europe in the video that more attacks were coming.
"I say to the European countries that we are coming, coming with booby traps and explosives, coming with explosive belts and (gun) silencers and you will be unable to stop us because today we are much stronger than before," he said.
Apparently referring to international talks to end the Syrian war, another man identified in the video as Al Karrar the Iraqi tells French President Francois Hollande "we have decided to negotiate with you in the trenches and not in the hotels."
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
Lets look at this in a different way.
A. We have the strongest/most technologically advanced military in the world.
B. They (ISIS) use some technology, but overall they are straight up "old school" guerrilla warfare type actions. They have no qualms whatsoever of sacrificing(suicide bombers) they're "faithful" followers.
C. Let's assume they plan a op for months and at it entails is 15-20 people max to inflict the most damage(shock effect). What happened? Look at Paris. They hit hard and fast knowing few (if any) would survive. 2nd And 3rd order effects? Mass casualties, France went into lockdown(financial effects), and the rest of the world is now hyper sensitive to any and all threats(more financial effects). Seeing a trend here?
Sooo the questions are:
1. Do we use all the high tech stuff we have?
2. Get down and dirty and go "old school" right back at them?
3. Use a combination of the above 2?
4. Wait until the next attack happens on American soil? Then react with full force
As much as I hate to say it IMO I see #4 happening. A small 15-20 person mass casualty event happening.
SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
CW5 (Join to see)
MSgt Curtis Ellis
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
A. We have the strongest/most technologically advanced military in the world.
B. They (ISIS) use some technology, but overall they are straight up "old school" guerrilla warfare type actions. They have no qualms whatsoever of sacrificing(suicide bombers) they're "faithful" followers.
C. Let's assume they plan a op for months and at it entails is 15-20 people max to inflict the most damage(shock effect). What happened? Look at Paris. They hit hard and fast knowing few (if any) would survive. 2nd And 3rd order effects? Mass casualties, France went into lockdown(financial effects), and the rest of the world is now hyper sensitive to any and all threats(more financial effects). Seeing a trend here?
Sooo the questions are:
1. Do we use all the high tech stuff we have?
2. Get down and dirty and go "old school" right back at them?
3. Use a combination of the above 2?
4. Wait until the next attack happens on American soil? Then react with full force
As much as I hate to say it IMO I see #4 happening. A small 15-20 person mass casualty event happening.
SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
CW5 (Join to see)
MSgt Curtis Ellis
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
SFC (Join to see)
SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" Just a common sense look at this crap going on around he world. I love me some tech stuff, BUT sometimes tech MAY not be the answer.
Pretty good for a old crusty 11B eh? Lol
Pretty good for a old crusty 11B eh? Lol
SrA Daniel Hunter
I really like the old school idea. In particular around mid-last century. Fusion to be exact.
MSgt Curtis Ellis
A combo of 1 & 2, however, you're right, what will happen is #4 and then it will not be a full force response as the number of innocent lives at any one time would be too great for us Americans since were fighting an ideology illegally occupying land and not an organized nation/state. We can give them that status/title by recognizing them over the land they occupy, and then destroy them, but we don't want to recognize them as such either... The proverbial rock and hard place. Until we are ready to be ruthless like them and do what beast do, they will always be able to win (exist)...
SFC (Join to see)
No not at all. Not all Sunni Muslims are the die hard jihadists that want to die for Allah. BUT let's assume we have the shit hot Intel on a cell (or cells) bombing them isn't getting us very far is it? Apparently BOG isn't in the "game" plan either. So where does that leave us? Do we sit and wait for option 4 (from above)?
It's just damn frustrating to see all that's going on, but little is being done. I know there may be more going on behind the scenes, but for average joe American....
It's just damn frustrating to see all that's going on, but little is being done. I know there may be more going on behind the scenes, but for average joe American....
It occurs to me that the Islamic State might be composed of the stupidest people on the planet.
Attacking Washington would just motivate the Politicians to do something.
Even success has a good chance of benefiting the American people overall.
Attacking Washington would just motivate the Politicians to do something.
Even success has a good chance of benefiting the American people overall.
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