Posted on Nov 15, 2015
CPT Air Defense Airspace Management (Adam) Cell Oic
Do you think soldiers who receive chapter 18 seperations should retain benefits? I have witnessed a trend of soldiers gaining weight on purpose to get out of the Army. They are doing this to get out of their contract and use their educational benefits.
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Responses: 10
CPT Battalion S 1 Oic
If it can be proved that the service member in question did this on purpose in order to get out of doing his or her duty, this is another matter and that person could presumably be dealt with accordingly. But if someone has struggled to maintain the standard and loses that battle, well then of course he or she should keep all benefits earned,because in that case the decision to separate was made by the service, and not by the individual.
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PO1 John Miller
CPT (Join to see)
Unless the member is getting anything less than an Honorable Discharge, they retain their Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits. While it may suck that they retain their benefits even if they aren't holding up their end of the contract (by not maintaining weight standards), that's how it is.

But to answer your question, no they should not retain educational benefits. BUT, it's a slippery slope if "we" start dictating which benefits one does and does not retain when a person is discharged under chapter 18 or another reason and they haven't completed their full enlistment obligation.
SPC Christopher Perrien
SPC Christopher Perrien
>1 y
I had a friend in the Army , Pete. Anyway he got chaptered for overweight 3-4 months before he ETS. I though it was kinda chickenchit, since he had been that way his whole time in , and passed all his PT tests, a good bit over the minimums. And he could do his job (tank driver). Politics got him, he was a pretty fair hellraiser , like a-lot of us. Guess he rubbed one of our leaders the wrong way. Really bad since our Battalion commander who was obviously far overweight , signed off on it. Anyway, I think Pete deserved all benefits. Good tanker

Anyway , I don't think people who can pass a PT test should be chaptered for overweight, unless it interferes with their MOS duties somehow.

Now if you're over and can't pass a PT test , yea gone, should not be allowed to stay over 6 months.
SGT Motor Transport Operator
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
Preach it. I've seen the fail, and pass to just stay in, and fail again. However you see the overweight aka me. Out there PT'n to death. Passing APFT no problem, but having problems with genetics. Yet the skinny guy is a-ok. What a joke!
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PV2 Glen Lewis
As for being discharged for obesity I'm totally in agreement. A soldier needs to be in shape to carry out any duty that is required of them. Using that type of loophole to forward your own designs is not honorable. You have little or none if you have that type of ulterior motive for enlisting and should not be privy to the benefits of those who serve honorably.
PFC Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Well I have never got below a 250 on a pt test and I'm getting chapter 18. I guess having a 14inch mech doesn't help
PFC Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
>1 y
PFC (Join to see) - 14inch neck.
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