Posted on Nov 10, 2015
SGT Team Leader
I've been in the military a just a couple months shy of 8 years!! I'm almost half way through. My biggest question is to all the others vets and services members is " how do you continue on....?" Some days the army is great has my back others I feel I get stomped on. Some words of encouragement are much need today brothers!!!
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Responses: 8
1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
I kept reenlisting because I liked the people and the challenges. They motivated me to exceed what I thought I could do.
SGT Team Leader
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9 y
Sometimes the challenge I think is wading around the people who are b.s. I feel you on the challenge part. It's exciting when you do 10 times better than what you thought you could!
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MAJ Civil Affairs Officer
How do I/you continue on to serve?

Enjoying whatever it is you do. At 18+ years, I've heard SMs gripes on a daily basis (myself included) - but for the most part, we like or love what we are able to do on a daily basis. I definitely love my job and throughout my career, I've been afforded some amazing opportunities in which I'm thankful for. Every job, regardless if it's military or civilian sector will have its bad days - but you have to be able to "adapt" to overcome.
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COL Jason Smallfield, PMP, CFM, CM
A few thoughts:
- A Soldier who does not consistently evaluate their options and possible off ramps throughout their career is a robot, a follower, or something else but not a leader who should stick around in the military.
- Every job or career has its ups and downs. Only a naïve person thinks that every day will be an "up" day.
- No decision should ever be made in the "heat of the moment", except for combat of course. Never hurts to "sleep on it" before making a permanent decision.
- To specifically answer your question of "how do you continue on?". Like everything else, one day or step at a time. Just like in a marathon, a road march, or anything that requires more than one step to complete.
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