Posted on Nov 8, 2015
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Do you agree with these (10) Quick & Easy Tips To Rock Your Next Job Interview?

RP Members do you agree or disagree with the these quick and easy tips?

A job interview is a candidate’s “Rock Star Moment”—they’re showing you their best face, so it’s up to the recruiter to ensure that it’s an accurate face, a face we can rely on, a face that is honest.

Are you ready to show your best ‘true’ face to stand out above the rest? Here are 10 tips to rock your interview.

Who Are You?

Time to dive deep into who you are and why you want this position.

Ask yourself:

1. What is your mission in life and why would working with this company help you achieve it?

2. What is the most important thing in life? How will you ensure you honor it through your work?

3. Use our powerful Outcome Frame to discover why you truly want this position. Is this position in alignment with who you are? Do you only want a paycheck or do you share the vision of the company?

It doesn’t matter if you are being interviewed by a recruiter, the HR Manager or the CEO – these tips will empower you to nail your interview and shine like a rock star. To prep be sure you:

4. Know the company’s mission, vision, values and drill down so you know which elements resonate with you the most. How have you demonstrated these elements in your previous work and life experiences?

5. Embrace and demonstrate a ‘tribal mentality’. We define a tribal mentality as: we’re all in this together, every person contributes and matters, each individual brings unique gifts to the collective.

6. Are ready to discuss what you are like on your bad days. Yes this is your rock star moment, but let’s be honest – you’re human and need to be transparent too.

During The Interview

7. Speak their language so they experience you as similar to them: (read: meta programs)

8. Give them what they crave: listen for requests for safety, belonging, mattering—then serve up what they want

9. Give them some “same as”: mirror their body posture/gestures, vocal tone/pace/pitch, key words, sensory system

10. Bring them a visual aid showing that you understand their challenges and you have some strategies/solutions in mind. A mind map, 3-6-9-12 month draft accomplishments list, a series of thoughtful value-added questions, some sort of leave-behind that shows you’ve put a lot of thought into how you’ll make a difference will cause you to stand out powerfully. You can bet the vast majority of other candidates won’t have invested this degree of energy and heart!

After The Interview

Anchor the experience: during your interview notice what they like (art? dogs? etc) then send a thoughtful thank you gift—something they’ll feel good about since it is specific to them, and something that they’ll keep in sight (coffee table book, cool item for desk). Anchor your brand with this item. For instance if you’re interviewing for a marketing role and the topic of advertising and what makes it compelling comes up, and if the interviewer says they love old bill board ads, you could send them a coffee table book on this topic.

One last tip: offer to take on the scheduling of your reference calls. Making it easy for the interviewer to talk with your current or previous supervisors, direct reports and peers shows you honor and value the interviewer’s time.

Good Luck!
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
My first recommendation is be Bold. If it is a New Technology that you are just learning don't be afraid to jump knee deep in it. You can probably talk your way into the door or talk your way out. Most employers are pretty good at asking questions that make you think and even question your own abilities but they and you can tell if you think you can do it although you may be a little rough around the edges. Second be Honest or Reasonably So. Got a Job once saying "I'm pretty Mercenary, I'll do whatever pays the most" Interviewer Immediately stopped the Interview and said Hold On, before I could say boo She shuffled me into the GMs office and I got a better job than was initially offered.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
9 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Great advice - thanks for taking the time to share it!
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Nawaf Alanizi
Article recommends first of all self discovery, exploration and evaluation emphasizing the importance of following the same visions, missions and values moreover it recommends utilizing the Powerful Outcome Frame methods for further precise self discovery and evaluation of what's important and meaningful to one's believe, conviction and practices and how it's so easy to use the shared interests and objectives in driving the tone of meeting interviews towards a more favorable, a fruitful, and successful "Rock Star" personality impressions impact and it's priority is placed on topic top of the list for it's importance. I totally agree with the sequence of issues presented as they are;
1. You definitely need to get to know yourself first and to know how you would really relate to the company's vision and value and also to recognize your role as a contributor to the overall standing Objective and Goals and plans and you ought to be able to define who you are and what you can do by pinpointing the the positive difference that one can make the right profitable contributions by measuring the spheres of true connections between all attending in place of meeting.
2. You got to know your firm's vision etc... but I don't know about tribal mentality, speaking someone's language, giving others what they crave, or acting same as others simply because I'm not like anyone else neither the same I'm totally free of burden or complexity, thanks be to God! I couldn't fake it if I wanted to. I'm an old American boy who's searching for light every path I go anyways I wouldn't play someone's house games and give'em the impression that they can actually twist my arms or lead them to believe that they have the upper hand. We sure don't need that!
3. I love point 10, you're right few people do that and hardly take the time to do so.
4. After the interview it's not so in line to send gifts because it might send the wrong message to others i e bribery to favor one over others. Most of everybody wants to be treated equally most of the time.
Best regards, respect and recognition I must admit this's a vast interesting topic thanks for bringing it up.
Love the U.S.A & You as always
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
9 y
Nawaf Alanizi Thanks for your positive feedback!
Nawaf Alanizi
Nawaf Alanizi
9 y
Is this all you've got to say; it's the only way to go Sir
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
Great questions and strategy to knock the interview out of the park! This is Hooah COL Mikel J. Burroughs!
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