Posted on Oct 27, 2015
Despite government incompetence, World War II widow finally learns her husband's fate. Your thoughts?
For over 60 years, Peggy Harris of Vernon Texas, searched for answers to the disappearance of her beloved husband during WWII. What she discovers is both heartbreaking and relieving to her all at the same time. A true love story.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 6
It is quite a shame she could not go forward in her life. The government robbed her of her adult life. She sent heartfelt inquiries, and the best answer was flippant one.
Terrible that it took so long for her to learn what happened to her husband CPO Andy Carrillo, MS.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS What a profoundly sad story and a loyal, loving woman. This is why the Army should have handled this MIA situation and not her Congressman.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
The Army, too, had 60 years to get it right, and didn't. It was her brother-in-law who requested the records and uncovered his brother's status from the documents he received.
LTC John Shaw
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS Yes F- for the Army, who is has a dedicated group in the Pentagon for finding MIA/KIAs and especially for the Congressman who 'acted' like he cared but did what many political wonks do. Act like they did something but do nothing.
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