Posted on Oct 22, 2015
SPC(P) Civil Affairs Specialist
I returned to school last semester, and trying to figure out the education benefits has me furious. Is it just me, or do they intentionally wrap the military benefits in so much bureaucratic nonsense that most soldiers will just not use them?
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Responses: 8
MSgt April Monthie
Any Veteran that has Questions about GI Bill Education Benefits please Don't hesitate to ask me. I worked for the with GI Bill Benefits in Veteran Service for 7 years as a compliance inspector to make sure the schools were taking care of the veterans and not over charging tuition and fees to the VA for the veterans training. Now I run a school where I certify Education Benefits for Veterans on a daily basis. And If I don't know the answer I probably have a contact who does or know where it find the anwser.
SPC(P) Civil Affairs Specialist
SPC(P) (Join to see)
9 y
Thank you MSgt April Monthie my issues at the moment are with TA not the GI bill (although the GI Bill was quite the struggle to get set up originally). Everyone I have gone to for help says that only GoArmyEd can help me with Tuition Assistance. Is that true?
MSgt April Monthie
MSgt April Monthie
9 y
Yes, GoArmyEd is a good resource for TA. Sorry I can't help you with TA. But If you ever have questions on GI Bill let me know.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Yes, SPC(P) (Join to see), they absolutely make it harder than it needs to be.
Contact SSG (Join to see), she knows the e-benefits system better than anyone in the unit.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
Tuition Assistance is arcane but doable. The trick is to not get hung up on the supporting documentation. Those deadlines are hard and fast.
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CPT Application Coordinator
Welcome to the military and the federal government in general... It's all bureaucratic red tape. That said, yes, I do believe that we are absolutely being taken care of! Soldiers have access to more benefits now than they ever have before. The benefits are wrapped in bureaucratic red tape becasue it is the Federal government and there is SO much oversight that they have to be setup that way. It's not to discourage Soldiers from utilizing these benefits.

Some recommendations I would make to assist you with maximizing your benefits is that you speak to your UA. Your UA should serve as a full time POC for guidance, insight and advice. Second, you should have a mentor and that mentor should be able to provide you with some advice and insight as well. Asking here was a good idea, use your colleagues within your unit as well. Develop those relationships. Finally, most colleges and universities have a military liaison. Stop by their office to discuss the difficulties you are having and see what solutions they can offer you.

Good luck specialist.
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