Posted on Oct 20, 2015
Can Rep. Paul Ryan Resurrect the Repulican Party and Bring Dignity to the Speakership?
Responses: 6
The GOP is deeply divided; it is possible that he will leave a job for which he is uniquely qualified to take one that will lead to his destruction. The Party is changing; the conservatives are a growing force and cannot be shut out any longer as Boehner did to them.
The conservatives simply want a return to regular order in which all members will be able to take part in the process rather than just being given an up or down vote on bills they had no part in writing. And they don't want the leadership to continue to surrender in every dispute with the Dems without a fight.
There are substantial differences between the old line establishment and the up and coming Tea Party conservatives. It will take a good mind and a steady hand to get the sides to work together. Ryan is a good man and he may be able to do it - but he could just as easily be destroyed in the attempt.
The conservatives simply want a return to regular order in which all members will be able to take part in the process rather than just being given an up or down vote on bills they had no part in writing. And they don't want the leadership to continue to surrender in every dispute with the Dems without a fight.
There are substantial differences between the old line establishment and the up and coming Tea Party conservatives. It will take a good mind and a steady hand to get the sides to work together. Ryan is a good man and he may be able to do it - but he could just as easily be destroyed in the attempt.
Capt Seid Waddell [login to see] 001

Paul Ryan’s statement on seeking House speakership
Congressman lays out factors influencing his decision
Your prejudice is showing. "Resurrect" means something is dead. "Bring dignity" implies there is or was an absence of it. Need I remind you of two people: Pelosi and Reid. What derogatory characterizations would you apply to them?
SPC Andrew Griffin
The Party is dead! It has been! What have done in terms of handling the business of the American People that can be considered dignified?
SCPO (Join to see)
Who died and made you perfect? You're an admitted avid supporter of the most racist, most divisive, most fraudulent, the biggest liar, and the most sanctimonious jerk to ever occupy the White House...and you think the Republican Party has problems? The best that the Democratic Party can offer for a replacement is another lying, scandal-ridden, political prostitute and a two-hundred year old Socialist??? TALK ABOUT DEAD!!!!!!!!
I really think he could... He appears to be more level headed and factual when it comes to issues of national interest, but we shall see...
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