Posted on Apr 17, 2014
SPC Charles Brown
For the past 200 years + this country has been slowly out of control, our current federal government has begun slowly stripping its citizens of their rights as they are guaranteed in the Constitution. My questions are these; does our current government take too much away from the citizens it supposedly serves? Are they intentionally trying to do away with the Bill of Rights? and finally Would reverting to the Articles of Confederation under which this country began be better for the citizens of America. To elaborate for those who are unfamiliar with the Articles of Confederation, this form of government proposed a weak central government with the states having the power to govern themselves with little interference from the federal government. With this being said I expect to get slammed for it. So lets hear it folks.
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Responses: 11
CW2 Joseph Evans
<span class="st"><em>"All governments suffer</em> a recurring problem:
Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts
but that it is magnetic to the corruptible." ~ Frank Herbert "Dune"<br><br>The United States suffers from three aspects of our society that guarantee our demise as a nation.<br>1. A culture of ignorance: The belief that the opinion of an ignorant man carries equal weight as the opinion of an educated man - or in some cases, more weight than the opinion of an educated woman<br>2. Elitism: There is a growing sense of entitlement in this nation with no sense of responsibility or obligation. Whether rich or poor, we have become a nation of takers and give very little back to the community which raised us. This is compounded by the feeling of many Americans that they are not poor, but "temporarily disadvantaged millionaires" on the verge of making it big.<br>3. Manifest Destiny: The thought that God has ordained our success (or failure) regardless of our actions and choices.<br><br>At the end of the day, the Constitution or the articles of confederation make no difference if the will of the people are weak. If the people are weak of mind and spirit, they in turn elect leaders that are representative of their weakness, and foolish men in charge are even more dangerous to our freedoms than most men with malice aforethought. The current status of our government is our own doing. It is a symptom of the lowest common denominator. No&nbsp; intelligent man can long listen to the monologues of many of our senators and congressmen without wincing at the damage their IQ suffers at the words they utter.<br><br>You want to make a difference? Think. <br>Our founding fathers, with the Constitution of the United States, not the Articles of Confederation... built a nation who's government withstood the ravages of the powerful elite for over 200 years before McCarthy brought us an irrational fear of something that did not exist. We defeated the English not just once, but twice. There is not a nation state power that has existed since our founding that we, as a nation, have not risen to the challenge and defeated. Our mobilization during WW I and WW II brought nations to their knees. We go where we will, when we will and none prevent us or our corporations from raping and pillaging resources to satisfy our national interests in any corner of the globe.<br><br>There is a corruption in America, but it is not because our government is corrupt (although it is), it is because we as Americans, have become the fools that allowed American power to become corrupt.<br><br>We have "patriots" that rally to the defense of an entitled rancher that has stolen resources from the people, while they let school children go hungry. Greed robs our schools of resources for education while fundamentalists preach psuedoscience and perpetuate their ignorance for yet another generation. <br><br>There is a way to fix America, but its going to require work, intelligence, education and sacrifice. Four things that very few mother fuckers in this god forsaken country fucking understand any more. Our Grandfathers and Grandmothers from the Greatest Generation are rolling over in their graves.<br><br></span>
SPC Charles Brown
SPC Charles Brown
11 y
When I first read your response I thought it was an attempt to slam someone who didn't hold with your opinions. However, after reading it again I have to say thank you for your response. Yes there are some of us who have become weak minded followers. Term limits are a great idea, however, there is already a system set up for getting the dead weight out of office, it is called election time. The problem here is again that the voters have become apathetic about our leadership. I think I would rather have Mickey Mouse and the rest of the Disney characters run the country than the leadership we have now. I say we vote none of the above and just write in our choices. I would like to submit this for your consideration Check it out, it is very interesting, and could be the future of American politics. Let me know what you think.
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
11 y
I have a great deal of respect for anyone with a history of volunteerism and sacrifice like these veterans who decide to pursue service to their nation as a civilian. Unfortunately there are patriots (these people are compared to the militias that so loosely use the term) from both sides of the aisle that have swallowed the party hook, line, and sinker. 
It comes down to doing the meet and greets with local representatives. Know that what they want to do, are trying to do is based on a solid, well thought out agenda with the best interest of their fellow citizens in mind. We have extremists on both the right and the left expediting our descent into fascism while the moderates are going "WTF?"
We have spent the last 225 years trying to overcome cultural failings of our fathers. Slavery, universal suffrage, apathy, bias and bigotry. We have people living in America today that were born before women were allowed to vote. The concept of American Democracy saw it's first true breath 94 years ago...

I love my fellow veterans, but there are some I just can't get behind and I'm not going to vote for them just because they served.
SGT Mark Sullivan
SGT Mark Sullivan
11 y
I'd vote for ya Chief, you strike me as the statesman we need, and not the politician we have gotten.
SSG William Patton
SSG William Patton
11 y
Chief, you nailed it. We are a pitiful people anymore and deserve what the elitists in DC and our state houses are doing to us. I encounter people everyday who are the dregs of society and perfectly happy to be a ward of the state and not contribute. As long as they get their welfare check, food stamps, medical needs, and housing paid for, they are happy. The money they earn they use to self indulge. This philosophy is not only present in the lower socieoeconomic strata of society, but it goes up through each economic level and can be manifested in many different ways, including bailouts of our largest industries because of piss poor management. We can only change this me society by doing away with the give away programs and make people earn what they make. If they do not work, they do not eat. It sounds cruel, but we must turn this entitlement philosophy around. Nearly half of us are receiving government benefits and those who work cannot sustain paying taxes to support the rest. Charity should be administered by churches, not government. And, if a company goes belly up because it is poorly managed or sucked dry by the unions, then so be it. Survival of the fittest. Many will suffer, but that is the only way I see us turning our plight around. It will be painful, but we can do it. Like you said, our grandparents who made up the Greatest Generation are rolling over in their graves at what we have created.
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1SG Robert Branch
Charles I think you are right on. We must not be intimidated. I am in my 80's but I am ready to stand and be counted. I had rather die on my feet than lives on my knees, and I think there are many like me. Thank you for service!!
SPC Charles Brown
SPC Charles Brown
11 y
Thanks Top. I've got your back
1SG Robert Branch
1SG Robert Branch
11 y
I can remember 75 years ago very we'll and what has taken place since. The main problem I see today is we are morally bankrupt, unless we turn back to the ordnance's of God this nation is on its way to disaster. Calling people names just want get the job done.
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SGT Nathan Huff
Reverting to the Articles of the Confederation would only weaken our government and give more power to Congress, though it would return the power to the states. If the power was returned to the states and the national government shrank to its original level, we would not have the strength we have today. (I could add to this if people desire for me to expand on why I am against reverting back to the articles)

Our current government situation can be fixed, but we as Americans must get out and make our voices heard and vote. Get others to vote and remind them they work for us. Use our right of free speech, right to petition and force things upon a ballot, and much more. We can sit back and complain with our buddies about the woes of America, but if we don't do something, then nothing will change. Get out there and fire your Congress man/woman, remind them they work for us.
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