Posted on Oct 12, 2015
Did Any Officers And/Or Staff NCOs Carry A Swagger Stick???
Swagger Sticks were very popular when I served but today's Marines probably never heard of them.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
Closest thing I ever saw to a swagger stick was the brass rod the DIs and range officers carried at the rifle range at PI. Boy howdy couldn't they ring a steel pot to get your attention when you screwed up!
Sgt Tom Cunnally
They were very popular at the Boston Navy Yard & the Base Commander had all of his officers carry one.
Personally, I'd rather more NCO's purchased and actually practiced the manual of arms for their NCO sword. Most aren't even aware of it's existence much less proficient with it...
SFC Michael Hasbun
Sgt Tom Cunnally - in the Marines it's an ingrained tradition. I was referring to Soldiers, where most aren't even aware that the NCO sword is available/authorized.
SFC Michael Hasbun
Unfortunately not. There is a section about it in the new version of the Drill and Ceremonies manual, but it's rarely seen/used.
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