Posted on Oct 10, 2015
What is your reaction to the way this judge treated a domestic violence victim?
Responses: 4
Oh, how many times have I seen complainants start the wheels of justice rolling only to FTA (failure to appear) when their court testimony is most needed? I didn't mind the extra overtime (4-hour minimum, easy money); it was seeing the charges dismissed with prejudice (no chance to refile charges) and then days later responding to the same DV call again. This judge's actions is the exception rather than the rule...which is why it made the news!
Good for the judge. Until women take responsibility for their own lives, there will be no improvement. We would never see or hear if a man said he did not feel like showing up to court.
I'm not surprised this is in Florida. There's got to be something in the water. That judge needs to be impeached.
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