Posted on Apr 15, 2014
SSG Military Police
I've seen numerous posts about the Good Ol Boy system and I've seen many about networking.  Do you think there is a difference between the two or do you think they are the same?

When I first joined the Army I would have told you that I thought the good ol boy system was the root of all evil for me.  I watched soldiers get to go to schools than I wasn't offered, or get awarded when I did not.  Now, I am not as sure as I once was.  After meeting different people and networking I find that I've gotten opportunities based sometimes on who I know and/or impressed.  Everyone here knows someone that got a job or something of that sort because of who they know, and they are often referred to as being in the good ol boy clique.  Were they really, or did they just network better than you? 

Also, do you think you've gotten things you wanted due to your networking?  And do you think other peers accused you of being in the good ol boy clique?
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Responses: 3
1SG Company First Sergeant
Networking and good 'ol boy in my opinion are the same. The terminology gets applied when a person for one reason or another has not been able to connect within a given network, thus making them feel hatred against the network, thus naming it the good 'ol boy system. Just my $.02
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SSG Retired!!!
I kinda suck at both of them.
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SGT Bryon Sergent
Edited >1 y ago

Well I'm a redneck and it all seems as brown nosing, no matter what you call it. Rubbing elbows, networking, Good ol' boy, see what I saying. Everyone does it, just varies to what aspect. If somone stops and goes 4 foot up the !SG Butt might need to back off. But if hard work, being where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there in the correct uniform, got you P's & Q's together and are sharp as a tack! then it is networking.


And yes I have heard that some times that I have been in the Good ol' boy network. I was the PLT RTo for 5 yrs, came in as an E-2 in 9 mths I was E-4 but done what i was supposed to do. And that was my JOB. and it got me places.

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