Posted on Oct 9, 2015
SGM Mikel Dawson
I asked myself this question and then started looking back at my childhood.
1. Respect - When I went to school if we got out of line the teacher would take the appropriate action. When I got home I didn't want my folks to find out because I knew they'd back up the teacher / principle and then I'd get it again. I think I turned out ok.
2. When the school day started, in my home room, we began the day with the pledge of allegiance and then the teacher said a prayer, so began the school day.
3. Kids weren't drugged up. We played to get rid of excess energy. There were shop classes and vo-tec type of courses one could take, and many did because they didn't do well with the books.
4. I don't suppose drugged up kids watching the violent video games has much effect.
5. My parents had time for my brother and I. They were involved with us. We had house rules and as long as I lived in my Dad's house, I lived by his rules.

Too much time is spent on trying to treat the symptoms. So much talk about new gun laws - how many bad guys are going to turn in their guns? Do we also now add knives? No we need to get to the root of the problems. I'm sure there is much more many of you can add to this list.
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Responses: 5
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
Edited 9 y ago
One addition: Parents are often struggling to meet their financial requirements (or living above their needs) and send the children off to the lowest you really think they have your best interest in mind or just getting thru the shift!
SGM Mikel Dawson
SGM Mikel Dawson
9 y
Great add on CSM. I wonder if the extra money/ stuff, things really equate to being happy and a family or would it be better being together with less?
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LCDR Deputy Department Head
I actually very much agree that a lot of children are not raised with the same values they were 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago. Of course not everyone was then either, but I think the percentage is expanding. And of course many are parenting by TV which, as you somewhat alluded to, has its drawbacks. The easy way isn't usually the best way.
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LCpl Craig D. Pfautz
Kids these days have no respect for anything, I have 3 daughters,8 6 & 4.
I try to teach them right from wrong but most of all to respect people, themselves & other people's property.
More parents should get back too (old school parenting) with some discipline & boundaries...
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