Posted on Oct 4, 2015
Did you agree with the SCOTUS decision to allow Super PACs?
Five years ago, Menendez called it a “dark day for democracy” when the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Citizens United v. FEC that any person or group could make unlimited contributions to super PACs, then a new breed of independent spending committees. Menendez, a Democrat from Paramus, predicted that super PACs would skew the political debate toward the rich, giving them the ability to spend without limit.
Five years ago, Menendez called it a “dark day for democracy” when the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Citizens United v. FEC that any person or group could make unlimited contributions to super PACs, then a new breed of independent spending committees. Menendez, a Democrat from Paramus, predicted that super PACs would skew the political debate toward the rich, giving them the ability to spend without limit.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 3
If I have a lot of money (which I don't!) and want to spend it to promote my ideas and to show my support for people that I think can do a better job leading this country, then why should the government limit how I spend my own money? That doesn't seem like the kind of freedom we all serve for. I realize there are potential down sides, but there are often downsides to having freedom. It doesn't mean we eliminate it.
If I have that much money... IF. It is my money right? so why you stopping me from spending them? plus spending in a political campaign also improve economy too. lol
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