Posted on Oct 1, 2015
Sgt Tom Cunnally
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Responses: 3
CAPT Kevin B.
If you look at it one way, it's a good thing. You can argue if we should have sunk something somewhere over some semi non-event, but overall it's not an inherently bad thing. Same argument over we haven't used a nuke in anger since 1945. Yes we and others have popped off some small pirate craft on a regular basis, but that's not heavy hitters going at it.

I remember negotiating with the ROKN types years ago. Seems they wanted us to "give" them more Harpoons. They already had enough for Harpoon worthy targets but it was a "face" matter to be able to blow a sampan up with one. We told them they could buy all they wanted; the US manufacturer would appreciate the business.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
9 y
Thanx Sir. It looks like a Ship in Boston has another distinction We just seem to be getting better with age..
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CPT Zachary Brooks
I guess this is where we talk about lacking experience in combat?
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
9 y
Sgt Tom Cunnally Rallypoint in general. If we have only one ship currently in service that has sunk another ship, then the corresponding number of seamen with combat experience in ship to ship battle is likely also low.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
9 y
CPT Zachary Brooks - Ok Capt but having served aboard the USS Fremont I would guess WE have enough old salty Boatswain Mates and Master Chiefs with combat experience in the Middle East to make this a non issue.. They will get their seaman without combat experience up to speed.. Believe me on this I saw it happen & felt the wrath of a few old "Boats" during my day...
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
9 y
CPT Zachary Brooks
So because one hasn't sunk an enemy ship that means they're lacking combat experience? That makes no sense to me.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
9 y
PO1 John Miller - Maybe Capt concerned that the Navy faces some tough choices as their new battle plans are being implemented??? The Obama Administration wants more ships by 2020 which gives the fleet about 300. But the Navy's Carrier Fleet is still the world's best by far & when ISIS sees a Carrier Battle Group off shore they want to run for cover and pull on their Depends Underwear..
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
Contrary to the comments by a Navy MCPO here I did not serve onboard this old ship during the War of 1812. But 142 years later & had the midnight watch for a few months in the dead of winter.. I will swear this old ship is haunted because I heard voices coming from her on several occasions..And was told that was just the wind howling through her open portholes. But I didn't buy that BS & how would the wind know my name?? Strange but true
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