Posted on Sep 29, 2015
SPC Margaret Higgins
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Responses: 12
1SG Hhc First Sergeant
Return fire.
Nothing really entered my mind, instinct and training, fueled by adrenaline, took control of my thoughts and actions. It's not until after the event that I began to reflect on what had actually happened. The more it happened, the more I would remember the words of a former PSG of mine, "Calm breeds calm." His point was to allow the tactical situation to develop and not become so overwhelmed with events that it negatively affects your decision making ability.

But when you're being shot at, instinct and training takes over your actions. That is why good repetition in training is so important.
SGT Jonathon Caldwell
SGT Jonathon Caldwell
>1 y
I like the "calm breeds calm" 1SG Matthew Reed. Very good advice. Wish my PSG on last deployment would have heeded that advise. He always got so up tight and basically freaked out for first 5-10 minutes of every contact.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
1SG (Join to see), Thank you.
I served during the Cold War, so I never saw combat.
But you described how you felt; so well, that I almost felt like I was there.
Thank you for your service and your sacrifices; First Sergeant.
With All of My Honor and respect,
1SG Tommy McGee
1SG Tommy McGee
5 y
100% agree.!
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SGT Jonathon Caldwell
There really are no thoughts other than tactical ones during a firefight or IED/RPG attack. Once you've got your "up" from everyone its Let's F@$! These guys up. All of the rational thinking and being scared comes hours after, when the adrenaline finally drops to a normal level. Thats the time when everyone realizes how close of a call it was for some or all out on the mission. Most will agree with me I think that we've done some crazy scary stuff when you look at it after the fact but during that act it was like second nature.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
I find your response to be highly valuable, correct and realistically descriptive; SGT Jonathon Caldwell. I never have felt like I was so There in combat; until after I read what you just wrote. Thank you, Sergeant.
And Thank You for Your Service and Sacrifices.
May God eternally bless you and shine His grace upon you.
-With the Utmost of My Honor and Respect, Sergeant
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
My men.
That thought superseded all others.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
God bless you for your selfless thinking during combat; 1SG (Join to see) You, to me, are a man to be highly honored and respected.
Thank you, for your service and sacrifices; First Sergeant.
-In Him, Margaret
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
The first time was a bad day, SPC Margaret Higgins. It cost me two good officers and badly hurt three others.
The 11th anniversary of that day is two weeks away, and I still think about it often.
There were other times I saw action, including a couple of nasty ones, but the first time leaves an indelible mark.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
I am More than Exceedingly filled with sorrow; 1SG (Join to see), to hear about this.
I offer up my prayers and my deepest condolences to you; First Sergeant.
As far as the 11th anniversary goes, if I were you; I would keep busy with things that have nothing to do with the military- that day. You are a First Sergeant; 1SG (Join to see). And you are to be Highly Commended for being one.
With My Sincerest Love in Him, Margaret
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