Posted on Sep 29, 2015
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
If you are pumping gas do you wear headgear? Is it "under cover" if the location has a cover to protect you from the rain?

Yes, this keeps me up at night.
Posted in these groups: 4276e14c Uniforms
Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 209
SFC Joseph Weber
You should not. The fumes can collect under the bill of your cap and possibly blow your eyebrows off.
CPO Arthur Weinberger
CPO Arthur Weinberger
5 y
That should get a vote for foolish humor. I am sure many democrats would believe that.
MSgt Gilbert Jones
MSgt Gilbert Jones
5 y
You must be joking!
SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
SSG (Join to see)
5 y
SPC Albert Schafer
SPC Albert Schafer
>1 y
Certainly won't blow his brains out...
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LTC Chief Of Public Affairs And Protocol
Too often these uniform and protocol infractions are nothing more than somebody asserting power and authority to reinforce their fragile ego. Typically, I look at then like they have an appendage growing from their foreheads and ignore them.
SGT Russell Chewning
SGT Russell Chewning
5 y
SGT Terry Walton This is what I'm talking about. I've gotten in many a pissing match with micromanagers here on Rally Point. Leading is about inspiring your subordinates to move heaven and earth to get the mission done, and in wartime, to sometimes give their lives to get the mission accomplished. THAT'S what being a non-commisioned officer is about, not enforcing some niggling little detail that makes no difference to anyone.Too many NCOs just get jnto power trip mode, and the organizational culture supports this mindset, creating a negative feedback loop. And NCOs as a whole are not the introspective types, so it's not like much self-analysis is going on.
MSgt Gilbert Jones
MSgt Gilbert Jones
5 y
Sir, I am glad you were in the Army, because if you were in the AF, and I ran into you on base out of uniform we would have a polite little chat, and if you gave me any static, I knew the right officer to go to and re enforce the subject.
LTC Chief Of Public Affairs And Protocol
LTC (Join to see)
5 y
Perhaps you are right? Perhaps I would tell you both where to go. If I were to be wearing a star, you might not have so much enthusiasm. Normally, when you find a senior person not wearing the uniform correctly, there is probably a good reason. They don’t need a junior service member with a hard-on to bust a senior’s chops to point out what they already know. Pick your battles. MSgt Gilbert Jones
MSgt Neil Greenfield
MSgt Neil Greenfield
5 y
Wow! All this pontificating about the proper wearing of a hat!
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SSgt Quality Assurance Evaluator
I recently witnessed a troop of mine being called out for not wearing his cover. I walked up to find out what was going on, to discover that an E7 had witnessed him get out of his vehicle, then immediately put his cover on. The E7 was upset and ripping him because he didn't put the cover on BEFORE getting out of his vehicle. I found it difficult to keep my composure and not laugh while the E7 was ranting so much he was forgetting to breathe. Some people take it to far.
SGT Russell Chewning
SGT Russell Chewning
5 y
TSgt (Join to see) This sounds suspiciously like "If you don't like Murica then you can just go back to yer own country!!!" (With a heavy southern accent.)

Obviously the fact that there is even a debate on the subject means that the rule itself is unclear. Perhaps you ought to do a little bit more thinking, and a little bit les goose-stepping, TSgt...
SGT Russell Chewning
SGT Russell Chewning
5 y
PO2 (Join to see) And perhaps you need to consider the idea that he is rejecting an organization that encourages petty tyrants, and is not actually a weak-willed individual, Petty Officer. I was in the Army as well, and I can tell you that this is not an isolated incident of abuse of rank by ANY means. Just because it is easy enough to "go along to get along", doesn't mean he is a weak individual for not wanting to do so. Your response, to me, is another examlpe of many military NCO's propensity to act/speak first, and to think second. Let me illustrate with an example why he is not weak, and your stance isn't as great and squared away as you think it is...

Documentary series by National Geographic - Genius, Season 1, episode 8. Albert Einstein, famous theoretical physicist who advanced our understanding of practical physics, and the world around us further than any one man since Isaac Newton... Is denied an immigration visa at the direction of J. Edgar Hoover, as Hoover did not like Einstein's firm pacifist stance, at a time when Hoover was having immigrants rounded up and deported, because we was a petty tyrant with the authority to do so. At a time when Einstein's life was very much in danger from the rise of anti-Semitism and the Nazi party in his home country of Germany. Einstein used his connections with the press to report this, and J. Edgar Hoover, under immense pressure because he was harassing the world's preeminent scientist, sent U.S. Consul General Raymond Geist back to Einstein and told him that if Einstein signed a document stating he was not a member of the communist party, he would get the visa. If not, he would not. Basically to get the egg off of J. Edgar Hoover's face.

Einstein, looking at the paper: "Your nation, Mr. Geist, it's a miracle. The beautiful myth of it. Scrappy revolutionaries rejecting monarchy for self government. Built from shared values, common purpose. I can see why a man would want to serve a nation that tells itself a story like that. And I also understand how painful it can be when the myth... Does not quite fit with the reality. I cannot sign this."

Then.... Raymond Geist then proceeds to stamp Einstein's passport with the visa, almost certainly ending his career. When Einstein ueried him on this, he responds, "There are other ways to be of service.. Einstein then signs the document, with the caution, "Keep your job, Mr. Geist.. Only promise me you will help other Jews find their way to American shores.. Einstein was a man willing to risk his own life to fight a minor despot like J. Edgar Hoover, but also a man willing to ckmpromise his deep-seated values to protect a single man of great character.

So, I end this long-winded story with the observation that Einstein epitomized everything we tell ourselves about what being an American is about. So don't you DARE criticize Sgt Darrin S. for standing up for his ideals and leaving an organization he believes to be encouragjng such petty, vindictive abuse of power. Perhaps you need to conduct a little introspection and look at if you got promoted because you upheld the ideals of America, or whether you just signed the papers to "go along to get along".
MSgt Gilbert Jones
MSgt Gilbert Jones
5 y
SSgt Tindell, if your troop just stepped out of his vehicle and then put his hat on then I would say the E7 was a little over zealous, but if the troop walked away from the vehicle then the E7 did right. In that case, if you over stepped with me, I would have taken you aside and we would have had a long chat on who was senior, you or me.
LTC Marlen Ramirez
LTC Marlen Ramirez
>1 y
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