Posted on Sep 28, 2015
1LT Aaron Barr
My thought is as follows; an increasing number of Europeans don't want large numbers of Muslims allowed into their countries but it would appear that their political leadership is trying to force the issue. To me, this creates a huge number of potential problems. Firstly, a people that view their own government as no longer representing their interests but actively working against them is going to be unhappy. Moreover, I could easily see this causing both a spike in welfare spending and increases in unemployment, especially amongst lower-skilled Europeans.

Situations like this are ripe for a rise in xenophobia and violence which is only made worse by the likelihood of terrorists slipping in amongst the migrants. That type of violence is tailor made for everything from far right extremism to revolution. The Jews were a convenient scapegoat to Hitler and I could see these migrants turning into the same in much of Europe, if not constituting a real and legitimate threat to some of these nations.
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Responses: 8
SSG Senior Supply Sergeant
I have seen and worried about the situation in Europe. This could en in Civil war in many of this countries. Just hope for the good of the World this don't happen.
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SGT Forrest Stewart
I agree.
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SSG Program Control Manager
Edited >1 y ago
Full Definition of FASCISM
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

The elites will likely use those refugees to drive down wages and split their opposition, however if they miscalculate the whole thing will blow up in their faces and far right groups will gain political power.
1LT Aaron Barr
1LT Aaron Barr
>1 y
When in a more conspiratorial mood, I find myself wondering if the politicians are doing this specifically to try and create just the type of situation wherein a tyrannical government, headed by them of course, would be appealing to the masses....
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I follow the general rule that if something can be explained by simple greed, that's probably the main reason it happened. Who profits from the introduction of large numbers of refugees, and who suffers? Of course using government to line your pockets is risky, it can cause the public to shift in an extreme political direction (usually toward extreme versions of nationalism) as the status quo loses credibility..
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