Peacekeeping & Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI), US Army War College

Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI)

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COL Sam Russell

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PKSOI's Vision and Mission

Mission: PKSOI collaboratively develops and integrates stability and peace capabilities across the US government, international organizations, and the community of interest in order to enable achievement of national objectives.

Vision: The recognized Joint Force expert for stability and peace operations.

Lines of Effort (Joint/Army):
  • Inform/support policy development
  • Develop and review concepts and doctrine
  • Develop, review, and support education, training, and exercises
  • Collect, analyze, disseminate, and integrate lessons learned/best practices
  • Support the USAWC mission
  • Conduct strategic communications
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Established in 1993 initially as the "Peacekeeping Institute" (PKI), with the challenge of developing a doctrinal base for peacekeeping operations, the PKSOI has grown in both size and outreach. Today, PKSOI is a regular partner at the United Nations in association with the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations and interacts across many US Government agencies (e.g., Department of State and the US Agency for International Development), non-governmental organizations, and international organizations with a peace and stability operations focus to address both the military and non-military aspects of peacekeeping.

PKSOI has continued to evolve as the US Army's center of excellence for Peace and Stability Operations at the strategic and operational levels. In 2013, PKSOI assumed its newly designated role as the Lead for the Army as Joint Proponent for Peace and Stability Operations. For the foreseeable future, PKSOI is the preeminent trainers of US forces preparing to conduct multinational peacekeeping operations. PKSOI and its strategic partners also focus on collecting the key lessons learned over the last Decade of War, ensuring that key peacekeeping and stabilization capabilities are adequately documented so that they can be rapidly re-generated to respond to US national requirements in the years to come.

In addition to PKSOI's mission to enable the success of ongoing and future Peace and Stability Operations activities and missions, we are a specified institute within the U.S. Army War College (USAWC). In our role as an institute of USAWC, PKSOI participates actively with the War College to provide the Army's future senior leaders with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to plan, conduct and assess P&SO missions and to integrate P&SO doctrine, concepts and policy into Army strategy and operational missions. PKSOI achieves this by participating within the USAWC core curriculum and by providing multiple P&SO-related elective courses for the USAWC student body.
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Unit Contact Information

Local address:
Peacekeeping & Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI)
Upton Hall, Bldg 22 US Army War College
22 Ashburn Drive
Carlisle, PA 17013
Phone: 717.245.3722
DSN: 242.7322
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Former Directors


Most recent contributors: COL Sam Russell

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