Posted on Jul 24, 2018
PFC Gunner
I’m looking for further information on the regulation for PT shoes? I have some regular running shoes, but they’re a soft / lightweight material that’s a lil stretchy, they have laces but the shoe is designed to fit snug without tieing the shoes, so I tuck the laces in. They look like normal shoes, they’re just stretchyish. They’re ankle cut like regular tennis shoes. I was questioned today if they’re approved for wear, and as far as I can tell the army doesn’t really have much under chapter 12 in 670-1, physical fitness uniform. If anyone has any other information on PT shoes I would appreciate it.
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Responses: 14
SGM Erik Marquez
PFC (Join to see) Please see DA Pam 670-1 dated 2017
"b. Commanders may authorize wear of commercial running shoes "
"Shoes must accommodate all five toes in one compartment. Those shoes that feature
five separate, individual compartments for the toes detract from a professional military image and are prohibited for wear
with the IPFU or when conducting physical training in a military formation."
That is all the guidance commanders have on what is a appropriate running shoe.

Contrary to popular SP4 Mafia believe, the desire to regulate running shoes is not a God Complex issue, it is one of injury prevention.
That said, if the shoe is marketed as a running shoe and it has a single compartment for all 5 toes....It should be allowed by Army regulation.

But wait, theeeeeers more.
You need to check post and unit policy as well if you want to be thorough. There may be policy that says "no advertisement other then that of shoe brand" or "no political statements" or "no rainbow colored shoes as it is perceived as a political statement" Weird right? Well yes, but humans are weird and humans write policy.
BLNUF (Bottom line not up front) If those shoes in your pic are marketed as a running shoe by the maker, they should be inside regs...if I saw them when I was a 1SG, id ask your PSG or Section leader to have a chat with you to look at the makers stated design... If it is a racing flat not made for training it is not an appropriate shoe for wear during PT. Maybe the SM knows know that, and needs to be told no, maybe the SM had no idea and just thought they were lighter, easier to put on and "cooler" and now gets it.
SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SSG (Join to see)
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"But wait, theeeeeers more" LOL LOL
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SFC Transfer Specialist / Precert Nurse
Follow 670-1 as all my other colleagues have mentioned but I would add. We as Soldiers don't always run on the road. Yes sometimes we do terrain runs and you may not have the for knowledge of the route that you will be running and end up having a show that will totally be in appropriate for you foot and the terrain. This causes injuries.
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LTC Self Employed
If you ran in Oxford shoes,from way overpriced Nordstrom's, I don't think it would care as long as you can pass the test.
PFC Gunner
PFC (Join to see)
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Do you know of any other regulations besides 670-1 chapter 12 that pertain to shoes being worn while conducting pt?
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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I honestly don't know.
SGT Darryl Dykes
SGT Darryl Dykes
>1 y
This might sound I like total b.s. but it is not. While I was at Ft. Bragg in 81 I had a knee injury ask 1Sgt if I could run in bare feet. He said ok if I did not run on the pavement or farther injury myself. I ran PT bare foot for a few months Company and Battalion CO's could not believe that I wanted to run like this I did recover from my injury quickly and cut time from my PFT. Don't know if I would be able to do that in today's Army or even a a regular Infantry unit then.
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