Posted on Jun 23, 2014
WO1 Intelligence Analyst
Background: I am a reservist trying to go back into Active Duty. I love the Army and every day in kick myself in the head for not going active off the bat. I am trying to transition from the Reserve to AD as of June 2014. My last few PT test were in the 250-280s and I am within body fat percentage. I have tattoo sleeves on both my arms post deployment. I am grandfathered in under the new AR670-1. I can no longer apply for OCS or WOCS due to my tattoos. I have had other issues come up over the past few months as I research this further.

As a recent promotion to E5 on 01 JAN 14, I am finding it extremely difficult to continue my career on AD or AGR. I reached out to a recruiter in my local area and they told me that unless I was a 35L MOSQ or a 35P MOSQ that already spoke the language, there was no way I was getting back in. They said however if I was Airborne certified, I could apply under my 35F MOS as an E5. My unit will not send anyone to Airborne/Air Assault despite numerous requests. 18X is not even open to me since I am an E5. I have volunteered to be demoted in order to apply for AD and have been told that they will not allow that as I already have WLC. I looked at AGR and there are no open spots for my MOS. I have volunteered for another deployment as well as filled out a recruiter packet (not submitted since I need an O4 or higher recommendation and due to a transfer request have no current O4 that has worked with me within the past 6 months). I have also contacted Drill Sergeant units but no one is accepting new soldiers around me.

Can someone please help or offer a suggestion as to what I can do. My unit will not reclass or offer Airborne. I have applied for a transfer but my unit is dragging their feet as it has now been over 3 months and it keeps getting "stalled". Any suggestions are appreciated as all I want to do my Army job everyday.
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Responses: 4
LTC Eugene Chu
WO1 (Join to see) This post was four years ago, curious if you were able to return to active duty under circumstances that you wanted...
WO1 Intelligence Analyst
WO1 (Join to see)
6 y
Sir, I actually stayed reserves after the hassle and it likely turned out to be the better decision. The tattoo restriction ban being lifted allowed me to pursue Warrant in the 350 series. I got into a unit that supports the AD mission set and they pushed me towards my goal of becoming a Warrant. My current unit always has Long term orders or OCONUS options available.

I also say that staying in the Reserves was the better choice since most of the people that went in the 18X route that I was trying to pursue have since been med boarded.

Time changes everything and the Army has since relaxed the restrictions I was going up against at the time. The time wasn’t right for me to go AD but it worked out in a way I never thought it would.
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SPC Civil Affairs Specialist
About two years ago I was also trying to go AD. I too kick myself every day for not going AD right off that bat. I understand that frustration! I was told over and over that I could not go AD unless I went to CA selection. I am airborne but that wasn't the only qualification to go to the selection. I rode out my ADOS-RC and OP-ADOS orders for 2.5 years. Never got on AD, my supervisor would not approve me going to selection.
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LTC Charles T Dalbec
Seek assistance from commands ATRRS operator as the command may have Airborne seats that will go waisted and they can put you in it. Does that help. The ball is in ‘your’ court. Does that help?
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