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Responses: 3
SP5 Dennis Loberger
Edited 5 y ago
We are clearly on a new path when it comes to foreign aid. For me it would be good if we stayed out at the beginning and not bailed out in the middle leaving others holding the bag. I have said many times, we seem to learn nothing from history when we get into these situations. The middle east is a quagmire that has gone on seemingly forever. We will not change the attitudes that fuel this mess through our military action but we will change their attitude toward us
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the news share brother Chip.
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SSG James Funaro
It's time to let it all blow up. Pull it all back. Foreign aid is nowhere to be found in the Constitution and it doesn't say anywhere that aid is automatic and forever. President Trump realizes what a drain the Middle East has become and he wants out. There are few honest players in the region, and no matter what the State Dept. says, I don't trust that our aid (tax payer dollars!) is going to the right places or being spent properly. President Trump knows that, hence his questioning of the Ukraine aid. Not everything is our fight, and not everything needs our dollars. Let those in the Middle East map out there own future without us. As we have just seen, we can reach out anytime, anywhere, when it is necessary. We don't need to be there, Russia, Syria, and Turkey can have that useless sand...
PO2 Ricky L. Isreal
PO2 Ricky L. Isreal
5 y
Leave it to a businessman, not a career politician to see beyond the rose colored glasses of politics.
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