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Responses: 2
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
He is a murder-Period.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
3 y
Not according to the law. In that moment and time and place, he was defending himself. Now, we don't have to get into how in Wisconsin there is no burden on the defendant making the self defense claim, or how he purposely put himself in those circumstances with the Trumpublican wet dream of being able to shoot someone and get away with it, and then cried like a little bitch on the stand indicating he had absolutely no place being around a scene of that kind... but the rule of law prevailed, and we must sometime subjigate our personal feelings to the rule of law in order for society to function. I must believe in the rule of law even when it allows shitheels like Rittenhouse to walk free and the verdict is not what I would have liked. Our legal system is set up so that he bends toward the lesser evil... the lesser evil being that a criminal is found not guilty and set free rather than an innocent man getting convicted. That happens as well on occasion, but I have to believe that it is the exception, not the rule. The point being is that we have to accept our justice system as it is and not pick and choose which verdicts we will abide and which we will not. And if changes are needed, then we need to do the work and rigor to make those changes and not just wish it were so.
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SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
That's a pretty good vid of why Schroeder did what He did. Makes a lot of sense. I'm surprised you shared it.

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