Posted on May 27, 2019
Trump: So What if North Korea Fired Off Weapons? Kim Jong Un Dissed Joe Biden for Me
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Trump wrong and the only way to stop bullies and dictators are using the methods of Wilson, Roosevelt, and Truman. They had so much better success...
SPC Erich Guenther
Wasn't Wilsons Wife running the show because President Wilson suffered a severe stroke and was incapacitated and kept it secret from the public?
If he avoids war in the Korean Pinnesula and gets a peace agreement from North Korea. I can think of no better memorial to both Veterans and those that gave their life in the Korean War. As for Joe Biden, yes there is a portion of the electorate that takes him seriously as a candidate. I agree with former Secretary of Defense Gates on his assessment of Biden. Many of the issues we are confronted with today were due to Biden's opposition in Congress to various foriegn politicies attempting to fix the issues. Biden helped create the world where mass migration across our Southern Border is happening, Biden helped create the world of a war torn and collapsed Syria, lets not forget Biden wanted to partition Iraq as well which would have triggered a generational Civil War in that country, Biden is the reason for current tensions with Iran, Biden and his Son is the reason why Amtrak still does not have a single high speed line in this country after spending $10 Billion. Bidens Son Hunter served as Chairman of Amtrak during part of the time. Biden and a sane foreign policy do not go together. In that respect, Kim Jong Un's assessment is dead on.
MSG Stan Hutchison
Wow! Biden must be one hell of a man to do all that! I suppose no Republicans were involved in any of those issues?
MAJ Byron Oyler
Trump is so wrong and I would much rather stop bullies and dictators using the methods of Wilson, Roosevelt, and Truman. There is nothing like losing 500,000 lives to prove a point.
SPC Erich Guenther
MSG Stan Hutchison - Thats why Biden got special mention from a well respected Secretary of Defense for Biden being wrong on every single foreign policy issue since he has been in office. I still remember his support of a unilateral Nuclear Freeze to appease the Soviets in the 1980's and his support of the current Sandinsta Regime in Nicaragua.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Martin Wiesiolek - I thought he inherited that fire from Obama and that Obama specifically warned him about the fire that he left for Trump.
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