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LTC Stephen F.
Thank you my friend and brother-in-Christ LTC (Join to see) for posting the background on If Day - when Winnepeg staged a mock German invasion on Feb. 19, 1942

"If Day kicked off on Feb. 19, 1942 with a mock battle involving more than 3,500 Canadian troops and reservists, making it the largest military mobilization yet seen in the province. Even actual prairie wars, such as the 1885 North-West Rebellion, hadn’t been nearly this elaborate. The ultimate result was that, to average Winnipeggers, If Day would have looked remarkably similar to how European civilians experienced real-life Nazi takeovers: Smoke and sounds of gunfire in the city’s outskirts, the sight of routed forces retreating and, finally, lines of enemy troops marching into the downtown. Parts of the city were even subject to blackouts as a protection against air raids. Meanwhile, local radio stations broadcast updates from the fighting until, just after the 9:30 a.m. surrender, radios began echoing with German orders. In the above photo, Canadian forces are seen in the opening stages of the city’s doomed defence.

"beginning with a a mock battle involving more than 3,500 Canadian troops and reservists, making it the largest military mobilization yet seen in the province. Even actual prairie wars, such as the 1885 North-West Rebellion, hadn’t been nearly this elaborate. The ultimate result was that, to average Winnipeggers, If Day would have looked remarkably similar to how European civilians experienced real-life Nazi takeovers: Smoke and sounds of gunfire in the city’s outskirts, the sight of routed forces retreating and, finally, lines of enemy troops marching into the downtown. Parts of the city were even subject to blackouts as a protection against air raids. Meanwhile, local radio stations broadcast updates from the fighting until, just after the 9:30 a.m. surrender, radios began echoing with German orders. In the above photo, Canadian forces are seen in the opening stages of the city’s doomed defence.

1. The first action of the invading Nazi troops was to immediately arrest the Manitoba premier (pictured above), his cabinet and senior city officials.
2. Canadian troops dressed in German military uniforms give the Nazi salute while patrolling the streets of Winnipeg.
3. Soldiers pull down the Union Jack in order to hoist the Nazi swastika. In hindsight, a Nazi seizure of Canada seems a bit overwrought
4. After hoisting the Nazi flag over Lower Fort Garry, the invading Nazis conducted an official inspection before fanning out to consolidate their hold on the city
5. Here, Nazi officers stomp into a Winnipeg restaurant to arrogantly harass the staff and force out existing diners.

“Nazis” were all volunteers from the Young Men’s Section of the Board of Trade, and were dressed in uniforms shipped over “from Hollywood.
The Canadian Armed Forces then armed them with rifles and armoured personnel carriers, which they used to conduct a victory parade down Portage Avenue, which was swiftly renamed Adolfhitlerstrasse. Here, a Nazi patrol has stopped a transit bus, and troops are searching riders and demanding their identification papers. News accounts asserted that this wasn’t just polite questioning, they were “rough” searches. It’s scenes like these that set If Day apart from any other similar stunt in Canadian history. This wasn’t just a few swastika flags being marched through downtown; civilians were quite literally being harassed and verbally abused by fake Nazis.

The day Nazis invaded Winnipeg

Background from the link you posted {[bankofcanadamuseum.ca/2022/11/the-day-winnipeg-was-invaded/]]
Winnipeg is famous for its cold winter weather. But on the morning of February 19, 1942, Winnipeggers were not concerned about how cold it was at Portage and Main. They woke up to the wailing of air-raid sirens and a total blackout. Winnipeg was being invaded! About 3,800 German-uniformed soldiers had taken over the city.

But Germany never invaded Canada. The extent of the military threat in Canada during the Second World War was the sighting of German U-boats in the St. Lawrence River. No German soldier ever set foot on Canadian soil as part of an invading force. Yet, on that day, Winnipeggers would have begged to differ.

FYI MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. LTC Trent Klug LTC (Join to see) Lt Col Charlie Brown PFC David Foster CWO4 Terrence Clark MSG Greg KellyMSG Joseph Christofaro] LTC Greg HenningSPC Maurice EvansSFC Eric Harmon [1459261:CSM Bob Stanek]CPT Richard TrioneSSG Edward Tilton SPC Terry PageLTC (Join to see)SSG (Join to see) SSG Jeffrey Leake
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
2 y
I concur with you my friend LTC (Join to see) "Nazis were a threat to democracy but not Republicans."
Democrats Panic over Midterms ReeEEeE Stream 11-06-22

1. The front of the so-called If Day notes resembled a German 10-mark note, with 'Occupation Reichsmark' stamped in red as a clear message that Winnipeg was under German occupation.
2. The back of the If Day notes stated their real purpose - 'Buy Victory Bonds . . . and Keep This ‘Blood’ Money out of Canada.'
FYI Col Joseph Lenertz LTC Thomas Tennant LTC Charles BlakeLTC David Brown LTC Greg Henning LTC Jeff Shearer CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD MAJ Jim Woods Maj Kim Patterson Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D.CPT Richard Trione Capt Jeff S. CW5 (Join to see)CWO3 Dennis M. MSgt Robert C Aldi PO1 Howard Barnes MSG Roy Cheever Lt Col Charlie Brown CWO4 Terrence Clark
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Then why do Republicans seem to be on Putins side? Someone on the side of democracy shouldn't even be thinking about cutting off aid to a democratic country that has been invaded, let alone publicly stating it in the US Congress.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen that is true but the Democrats all care about climate change. They don't want to increase the energy Independence but energy dependence on China. Republicans now will have a chance to try to fix some of the problems. Yes, there may be disorganization and president Trump running again isn't helping things. President Biden continues to show weakness with China. He continues to put 15% increase on certain federal departments focusing on climate change, environmental social governance and other stupid things which will make the US economy even weaker and make it harder to help develop any infrastructure even the infrastructure he wants to build because of extra rules and regulations which will bring up costs and make America weaker overall. Republicans are taking the house. In spite of the Red Wave which really didn't materialize, they gained seats. Now they can pick committee chairs in the house. Thanks to president Biden, the US defense budget is shrinking because even with the 5% increase, you have 8% inflation and doubling of energy prices which makes matters worse. Thanks to its covid policies, 5,000 active duties Personnel are being forced out and 55k Reserve Personnel are being kicked out. So the US military is really going to be Hollow, they're going to be short-handed ships because the US Navy keeps putting 27 ships into the reserve Fleet because they can't fix those ships and can't keep them and anyway. It's going to be a perfect storm. A weak and wollow US military and a commander-in-chief who sometimes acts like Mr Magoo. He gets scared by President Putin and won't get tough on China yet the world is supposed to respect us?

The future looks uncertain and bleak. We have a president who doesn't have a clue but he's into Equity whatever that means, his vice president is into Equity meaning that minorities get things first before white people when they should get things equally. Democrat Justified racism against white people. It is a mess. Republicans are reorganizing right now but overall, Democrats have a minority government. Canada has a minority government. The Democrats have a minority government in the house and maybe a split or a bare majority in the Senate. Our enemies will yake advantage of our weakness and fighting from within. Our top General talks about 'white rage' and pushing critical race Theory in the service academies yet they don't focus on leadership.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
This is a parody of President Biden because he lied in his campaign commercial because he said the buck stops with him. President Biden is not Harry Truman! The only person that Biden gave hell to our maga Republicans and he even lied about that!
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
2 y
LTC (Join to see) Get your head out of the sand. Democrats cate about the future of the country and that includes dealing with the impact of what is going on with our climate, be it change or normal cycles. If there is anything that can be done to dampen climate impact, only a fool would not try to do something. Your comments indicate that you may be leaning towards the fool category.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
2 y
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen this will solve the whole problem because the US will be in a corner and someone will make a mistake and it will be doctor strange love on a smaller scale.

I had warned you and others about how our Western liberal leftist allies want to pay other countries to transition to clean energy. Now they're giving 20 billion dollars to Indonesia or Malaysia? That's going to come from my hide with carbon taxes and you will have them as well. There is no free lunch and now the third world countries are learning to play the game and they can profit from us giving them money to transition to clean energy but you know it's going to be non-functional corruption and over half the money is going to go into their pockets and very little if any is going to go to transitioning to clean energy. I'm not going to stop eating meat because of cows putting out so much methane. Concerning fertilizer, look at house for Lanka forced Farmers to go from industrial fertilizer to natural fertilizer and their yields went down 50%. Industrial fertilizer uses oil in other chemicals to get better results. Farmers got less results and it resulted in civil unrest and the president of Sri Lanka had to fly out of the country into exile. Call me the fool. It is no accident that the concerned scientists are always having us at 2 Minutes to Midnight. Look how scary things were when the surface-to-air missile went into Poland and kill people when it was actually a missile from the Ukraine air defense. Just think if Article 5 would have been invoked? Have an open mind and don't put me down because I will just have more Resolve to push back on you. I am not antifa and I'm actually glad that we're having a slightly warmer weather here. Normally we would have below freezing from Halloween onward and we're actually going to have a couple days where it make it up to five degrees celsius. Since I work outside, I love it! I'm tired of having 5 months of it staying between -5 and -30 C everyday between November and march. Climate change activism can kiss my ass! Warmer weather actually helps Canada's growing season. Something I noticed when I went to the Natural History Museum a couple of months back, the tree line over the thousands of years goes up and down. When we are in a warm spell, the tree line is a lot higher. Our tree line is at the about the middle right now. Which means we have had warm weather thousands of years ago way before industrialization and we've had cold weather as well before that so the climate change activists are full of shit!

This was an accidental discovery that I saw at the Museum and it wasn't some self-serving oil company sponsored scientific display.

LTC Stephen F. Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
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