Posted on Apr 10, 2021
Putin signs law allowing him to run for two more terms as Russian President
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Wants power, has power to get more power, uses power. At some point we will see his endgame plan.
MSgt Gilbert Jones
Sorry SSG Kermon, each to his own opinion, but I feel sorry for you and those who believe t hat trump and the republication party at this time give a damn about anyone but themselves. The senate hasn't passed a bill to help the country since President Ohama was elected to office. Now they are trying to block anything that President Biden is trying to put forth. Open your eyes and see what is happening to our country. Trump and the republications in office both house and senate have been preaching nothing but hate. The wealthiest 1% of this country is getting richer while everyone else is getting poorer while we are fighting among ourselfs. Wake up folks, stop believing all the crap that Fox News people are saying and start thinking for yourself. If you put a little effort into it you will find it's not really hard to do.
SSG Samuel Kermon
MSgt Gilbert Jones sir, I don't watch Fox, or just about any news. Your point is incorrect concerning Biden and his policies. Those policies need to be blocked. Those gun policies he has signed are end runs around the 2nd Amendment and thus against the Constitution. His border policy is absurd and allowing many potential criminals from coming to this nation. Yes, we are entitled to our opinion and you can thank our Constitution foe that right. Please, sir, don't get your news from CNN or some such organization. They will only tell you what their narrative is and not necessarily the truth. But no matter what else, I can hope you have a good day.
MSgt Gilbert Jones
SSG Kermon, how do you know if those who are attempting to come into the country are criminals, most are small children - are they criminals? As for the gun executive orders that President Biden has signed just how do they effect your second amendment rights. I am a gun owner and carry mine gun whenever I am going somewhere that I am legally able to carry it. His orders haven't effected my rights in any way. It's all in your head SSG Kermon! You have a good day also.
LCpl Danny Chavez
SSG Samuel Kermon - I have had some time to think about your comment referring to your twice impeached, one term disgraced president as a breath of fresh air and it is important to me to get this off my chest. It is sad to know that there are fellow veterans who support this piece of garbage specifically when he referred to us as losers and suckers, mainly my brothers who gave the ultimate sacrifice,keep in mind this came from a draft dodger, he has obviously brainwashed many people and you sir appear to be one of them, this white supremist hate filled Bastard will never change, keep in mind if you support a piece of garbage, you are a piece of garbage, have a nice day.
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