Posted on Apr 30, 2021
PSA to Trump Revanchists and Anti-Vaxxers: Making Fake CDC Vaccination Cards Is a Federal Crime
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I personally feel that the government has completely overstepped the intention of their place by the founding fathers.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - your feelings does not negate what I said about government overstepping.
SGT (Join to see)
Gene, I must disagree. Our founders, though unaware of the exact science of disease, knew a great deal about the spread of disease and inoculation. Washington ordered his troops to not enter Boston during the seige in 1775 for fear of the disease spreading to his troops. During the Revolutionary War, there was a great smallpox outbreak from 1775-1782. George Washington ordered the mass inoculation of the Continental Army. He quarantined his own men from entering Boston due to its outbreak in 1775-1776. When we were a colony there was a law instituted by William and Mary called "An Act to Prevent Persons From Concealing the Smallpox". It required the head of household to report cases of smallpox to the authorities under penalty of forced quarantine (military sentinels) and fines of 50£ which is equivalent to nearly $3000 in today's money.
Our forefathers had a strong sense of the common good and sometimes required the individual to submit to authority. Washington stated, “Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure, for should the disorder infect the Army . . . we should have more to dread from it, than from the Sword of the Enemy." One reason Washington's forced inoculations were not well known is because he had to keep it secret from the British because his troops would be weakened by the inoculation and be in forced quarantine because they were infectious to those not immune from smallpox. The British were mostly immune from the disease because of widespread immunity from the disease in Europe and successful inoculation which began in the 1600s. Here is a little information on Washington's inoculation orders.
Our forefathers had a strong sense of the common good and sometimes required the individual to submit to authority. Washington stated, “Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure, for should the disorder infect the Army . . . we should have more to dread from it, than from the Sword of the Enemy." One reason Washington's forced inoculations were not well known is because he had to keep it secret from the British because his troops would be weakened by the inoculation and be in forced quarantine because they were infectious to those not immune from smallpox. The British were mostly immune from the disease because of widespread immunity from the disease in Europe and successful inoculation which began in the 1600s. Here is a little information on Washington's inoculation orders.
No other word conjured up more fear among 18th century Americans than the word “smallpox.” The communicable and dreaded disease was a scourge and for good...
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
SGT (Join to see) - while all that is most likely true, what I’m referring to is government trying to control citizens at most every level of our lives. Where is our freedom going?
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