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Responses: 7
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
Cuts cuts cuts, but tax breaks for those who do not need them, well that's OK.
CW4 Craig Urban
CW4 Craig Urban
>1 y
Go after your rich buddies. Tiger woods. Hefner. Bill gates and your wife.
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LTC Kevin B.
This is a typical political and bureaucratic ploy....and it's little more than a hidden tax on the military retiree population. Our vote tends to be small and dispersed; hence, politicians face little political backlash when implementing these types of changes. One big exception was when they tried to lower the cost-of-living adjustments for retirees. They initially were successful at sneaking it through. They thought they had gotten away with it. Luckily, the major military lobbying organizations were immediately energized, and they forced the politicians to back down. In that case, the cash flow difference was huge. This is much smaller, so they may ultimately get away with it (unfortunately). It's like a death by a thousand cuts. Each individual cut is no big deal for them (politically). We need to make sure our voices are heard.
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LTC Laborer
Edited >1 y ago
BOHICA ... the Pentagon leadership is trying again is it? They've tried under GWB, BHO, and are now trying under DJT. I sincerely hope that the Congress does as good a job turning them back as it has done before. At least this time they aren't attempting again to attach a premium to Tricare for Life ... at least not yet.

Keep this in mind the next time you get a letter from your service chief telling you how retirees, and veterans in general, are still a valued part of the military family. Try not to die laughing ...
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