Responses: 5
We are not a democracy we are a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy. Maybe you shouldn't set up that tax pass through company and just pay more in taxes. Maybe you should take that money that you didn't earn and invest it local charities for the commoners that your granddaddies organization now fleeces every penny they can from.
She has some options. She can choose to pay extra into the system if she feels so bad about paying less. She can lower prices to get into the parks. They won't even list the current price of a ticket on the Disney site. If you buy in advance, you will pay $99.00 for each ticket. This doesn't include the parking fee, cokes for $8.00 and even more for food.
I applaud her honestly, hopefully she'll take the money that's not being taxed, and pass it down to her workers, it's a long shot hope that she does.
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