"As an Army veteran, a military spouse, a military mother and counselor, I have firsthand knowledge of these battles. I understand the anxieties and I can feel the emotions those who struggle with this mental health concern endure and I want to help.
I want to reassure the child who fears her traumatic experiences will define her and ensure her they will not. I want to offer my hand to the military wife who is scared and help her through her fear. I want to comfort the veterans who feel they are alone and remind them no soldier is left behind.
No one is immune to trauma and no one should ever feel as if there is nowhere to turn.
Unfortunately, stigmas and myths remain in our society surrounding mental health from seeking help when help is a phone call away.
My team at our clinic and other veterans’ organizations are dedicated to breaking down those stigmas to care. We believe our military families have earned the right to compassionate support and we stand ready to meet that need.
Reaching out can be difficult, but understanding that trauma can happen to anyone may help. Not only veterans suffer from PTSD and its diagnosis doesn’t ensure a poor quality of life. In fact, seeking help may be the bravest thing one can do when facing hard times."
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