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Responses: 3
CPL LaForest Gray
1.) Abortion Bans Will Affect 80,000 Female Troops and May Push More Out of the Military, Rand Says

14 Sep 2022
Military.com | Konstantin Toropin

About 80,000 female service members -- 40% of all women on active duty -- now will face no or severely restricted access to abortion services in the U.S., which could increase frustrations over health care and cause more to leave military service, according to Rand Corp.

SOURCE : https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/09/14/abortion-bans-will-affect-80000-female-troops-and-may-push-more-out-of-military-rand-says.html/amp

2.) Overturning Roe: What Might This Mean for Military Culture

Sunday, June 19, 2022, 10:01 AM

Declining availability of abortion care will make it more difficult for women in uniform to keep their healthcare decisions private, and the military's policies may reinforce harmful stereotypes.

SOURCE : https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/overturning-roe-what-might-mean-military-culture

3.) Statement: Overturn of Roe v. Wade’s Effects on Women in the Military and Military Families

by James M. Branum | Jun 24, 2022 | Analysis & Opinion, Featured


ith its disastrous decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court has endangered millions of pregnant people and stripped them of their autonomy and reproductive rights. Twenty-two states have laws or state constitutional provisions already in place that will totally or effectively ban abortion in light of the Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which holds that the U.S. Constitiution does not confer a right to abortion.  Overturning Roe especially imperils the lives of the poor, people of color, and minors.  It will also have an outsized effect on women in the military. 

An outsized effect on women in the military

Some of the military’s largest installations are in states where abortion will immediately become banned in the wake of Roe’s repeal, including Fort Hood and Fort Bliss in Texas, Fort Campbell in Kentucky and Tennessee, and Fort Benning in Georgia and Alabama. All told, hundreds of thousands of troops and their dependent family members will be unable to access safe and legal abortions.  

Overturning Roe adds yet another layer to the gender discrimination and inequality in the military.  Women in the military already face pervasive discrimination and harassment. Thousands of women service members are sexually assaulted or raped each year. Moreover, service members already have greater difficulty in accessing reproductive health care than their Yet another layer to the gender discrimination and inequality in the military
civilian counterparts. Federal law prohibits service members from receiving most abortions through their military health care, and military doctors are not allowed to perform abortions. Even if abortion is available in the local community and a service member can pay out of pocket for the procedure, they must have a commander approve to get leave obtain an abortion off base.

The military must not let the states dictate its service members’ abortion rights. The MLTF supports efforts to ensure that all servicemembers have safe and legal access to abortion, and that service members can request transfers out of states that will discriminate against—or take rights away from—them or their family members. 

The MLTF calls upon the service branches to ensure that their members have access to safe, legal abortion options, and for Congress to repeal the restrictions on military providers and health insurance providing abortion coverage.

The MLTF stands ready to assist those within the military who may be affected or at risk because of Roe v. Wade being overturned. We also work with other allied groups attempting to enact meaningful policy changes in this area. 

National Lawyers Guild’s Military Law Task Force
nlg.mltf(at)gmail(dot)com [login to see]

SOURCE : https://nlgmltf.org/military-law/2022/statement-overturn-of-roe-v-wades-effects-on-women-in-the-military-and-military-families/
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CPL LaForest Gray

The White Abortion Epidemic :

1.) Reported Legal Abortions by Race of Women Who Obtained Abortion by the State of Occurrence



2.) Who are the 1 in 4 American women who choose abortion?



3.) U.S. Teen Pregnancy and Abortion Rates
Recent Statistics on Teen Pregnancy and Abortion in the United States




Posted May 11, 2022 | Thom Hartmann

“The abortion battle is not just about religion. We are also watching the last ages of White Supremacy, and it is scaring the hell out of White people who have bought into the racist belief that “others” are fundamentally different and inferior.

This firestorm around abortion is another dimension of the White freak-out about the browning of America that stretches from the days of slavery through 19th century “scientific racism” to Charles Murray’s book The Bell Curve:,America is no longer all-White or all-under-White-control.”

SOURCE : https://www.milwaukeeindependent.com/thom-hartmann/browning-america-anti-abortion-efforts-fundamentally-shortage-white-babies/

Now let’s tie this together in a nice logical chronological bow :

V1: https://youtu.be/G6iSlIWTm9c?si=XWWIgvIWw27G8NoR

V2: https://youtu.be/k8umrunLqkA?si=2i9fBzRnvx7PBuVm

V3: https://youtu.be/mm_qxj8-6_A?si=4F_3dlXZFxHdZNvv

1.) Slave Breeding in The United States : Forced Child Birth and Rape.

* Rape, Child Molestation & FORCED Homosexuality by both white racist men and women slave owners (slave owners, breeding farms),

10 Facts About Slave Breeding That Schools Failed To Teach You (Video)

Parent Category: Slavery to Reparations 20 May 2023


2.) Sears on Smithers, 'Slave Breeding: Sex, Violence, and Memory in African American History'

SOURCE : https://networks.h-net.org/node/4113/reviews/64746/sears-smithers-slave-breeding-sex-violence-and-memory-african-american

3.) America’s Dirty Secret: The Forced Breeding of Enslaved

People for Profit America’s economy was built on the availability of cheap labor.

SOURCE : https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/americas-dirty-secret-the-forced-breeding-of-enslaved-people-for-profit/


SOURCE : https://ibw21.org/editors-choice/exposing-americas-hidden-past-as-a-center-for-the-slave-breeding-industry/

5.) 6 Startling Things About Sex Farms During Slavery That You May Not Know

Published on: November 26, 2014 | Updated on February 1, 2019

The fertility of enslaved women was examined by owners to make sure they were able to birth as many children as possible.

Secretly, slaveowners would impregnate enslaved women and when the child was born and grew to an age where he could work on the fields, they would take the “very same children (of their) own blood and make slaves out of them,” as pointed out in the National Humanities Center Resource Toolbox on Slaveholders’ Sexual Abuse of Slaves.


1.) It was common for the slave to be subordinated sexually to the master–even men with enslaved males. It was part of the enslaved man’s function as an “animated tool,” an instrument of pleasure.

2.) When enslaved males turned 15 years old–and younger in some cases–they had their first inspection. Boys who were under-developed, had their testicles castrated and sent to the market or used on the farm. Each enslaved male was expected to get 12 females pregnant a year. The men were used for breeding for five years. One enslaved man name Burt produced more than 200 offspring, according to the Slave Narratives

3.) To combat the high rate of death among the enslaved, plantation owners demanded females start having children at 13. By 20, the enslaved women would be expected to have four or five children. As an inducement, plantation owners promised freedom for enslaved female once she bore 15 children, according to Slavery in the United States by John Simkin.

4.) If the enslaved woman was considered “pretty,” she would be bought by the plantation owner and given special treatment in the house, but often subjected to horrifying cruelty by the master’s wife, including the beheading of a child because he was the product of an enslaved-master affair

5.) Often, the plantation owner would entertain his friends by forcing the enslaved Blacks to have orgies–multiple pairings having sex in front of them. And the white men often would participate in the debauchery

6.) Enslaved women were forced to have sex with their owners, but their masters considered this a favor. White men often claimed they were doing Black women a favor by saving them from having sex with Black men who were considered to be animalistic and brutal.

SOURCE : https://atlantablackstar.com/2014/11/26/6-startling-things-about-sex-farms-during-slavery-that-you-may-not-know/7/

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.
MSG Billy Brumfield
MSG Billy Brumfield
9 mo
Those Democrats were ruthless with their slaves, weren't they? No wonder they fought tooth and nail to keep them and then created the KKK when they lost them. Their Jim Crow Laws were pretty brutal too and segregation in general. The Dems were so pissed that they even fought desegregation into the late 1980's and early 1990's with Joe Biden leading the way. A couple facts you forgot to mention.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
9 mo
MSG Billy Brumfield


1.) Citizen Klan

Electoral Politics and the KKK in WA

the national level, the Klan is alleged to have elected dozens of Senators and Congressmen in the 1920s.

Though at the local level Klan politicians were both Republicans and Democrats, nationally it was the Democratic Party that was most associated with the Klan because of intense infighting at its 1924 Presidential nominating convention.

Klan allies fought tooth-and-nail to oppose the nomination of New York Governor Al Smith because he was Catholic, and conflict between delegates went from rhetoric to fistfights. The negative publicity from this infighting supposedly helped Republican Calvin Coolidge win the Presidency that year by a landslide.

SOURCE : https://depts.washington.edu/civilr/kkk_politicians.htm

Grant, Reconstruction and the KKK

At the time of Ulysses S. Grant's election to the presidency, white supremacists were conducting a reign of terror throughout the South. In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power.
The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization. It would be responsible for thousands of deaths, and would help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans.

Racist activity in the South often took the form of riots that targeted blacks and Republicans. In 1866, a quarrel between whites and black ex-soldiers erupted into a full-fledged riot in Memphis, Tennessee.

White policemen assisted the mobs in their violent rampage through the black sections of town. By the time the violence ended, 46 people were dead, 70 more were wounded, and numerous churches and schools had been burned.

Just two months later, on July 30, a similar outbreak of violence erupted in New Orleans. This time, a white mob attacked the attendees of a black suffrage convention, killing 37 blacks and three whites who allied with them.

“White Southerners from all classes of society joined the Klan's ranks. In the name of preserving law and order in a white-dominated society, Klansmen punished newly freed blacks for a variety of reasons, including behaving in an "impudent" manner toward whites. They whipped the teachers of freedmen's schools and burnt their schoolhouses. But first and foremost, the Klan sought to do away with Republican influence in the South by terrorizing and murdering its party leaders and all those who voted for it.”

SOURCE : https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/grant-kkk/

3.) Ku Klux Klan in the Reconstruction Era

End of the First Ku Klux Klan

There is no clear date for the demise of the first KKK’s activities in Georgia. While John B. Gordon may have left the Klan by late 1868, Klan activity clearly continued throughout 1869 and 1870. After the Klan-supported Democratic triumph in the state elections of 1870, the formal Klan organization began to fade away with aggressive federal intervention in 1871 and 1872.

Local Klanlike groups continued to engage in racial and political terrorism, often calling themselves minutemen or rifle clubs, but they lacked larger organizational ties or even commonality of purpose.

A romanticized memory of the first KKK legitimated their activities and, combined with the growing power of a Lost Cause mythology, contributed greatly to Georgians’ acceptance of vigilante violence and lynching well into the twentieth century. By the 1890s many men proudly claimed to have ridden with the Klan and thereby saved Georgia and the South from “Negro domination.”

This romanticized vision of the Klan was celebrated in popular novels and laid the foundation for the more openly organized Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the second Ku Klux Klan, founded in Atlanta in 1915.

SOURCE : https://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/articles/history-archaeology/ku-klux-klan-in-the-reconstruction-era/

I NEVER had nor will I EVER have a political party, I AWAYS have & will be : “No Political Affiliation”

I trust no politician or party.

Bonus :

The Invisible Empire: Famous KKK Members In American Politics

By Richard Stockton | Edited By John Kuroski
Published November 5, 2015
Updated December 4, 2017

These famous KKK members reached the highest ranks of power in the U.S. government and shaped our history.

SOURCE : https://allthatsinteresting.com/famous-kkk-members/2
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
9 mo
The KKK was started by TRAITORSIST CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS MSG Billy Brumfield who might have been any political party. The were confederate soldiers who started the United States Home Grown Domestic Terrorist Organization known as the Klu Klux Klan.

Nothing left out. White Nationalists started the Klu Klux Klan in the USA.

Indoctrination :

k.) ‘Ku Klux Kiddies’: The KKK’s Little-Known Youth Movement

During the 1920s, hatred was a family affair.

In 1924, a group of ten children and hundreds of spectators gathered for a mass baptism. This was no mere religious rite. As the children and their parents moved toward the clergyman, they were enveloped by 50 men in white robes.

They were the children of the Ku Klux Klan, and their baptism included more than a promise to God. Along with their vows to raise religious children, their parents dedicated their children to “the principles and ideals of Americanism.” To an outsider, that promise might sound like a patriotic one. But to the KKK, it meant dedicating the children to a lifetime upholding segregation, bigotry, and the violent suppression of anyone who was not a white Protestant.

The children who were christened that day were just a few of the thousands who participated in the KKK and its auxiliary organizations: the Junior Ku Klux Klan for teenage boys, the Tri-K-Klub for teenage girls, and “Ku Klux Kiddies” and “cradle clubs” for children and infants beginning in the 1920s. As the “Invisible Empire” of the KKK reached its pinnacle of national influence and membership during that era, children took part in the society’s rituals, and entire families dedicated themselves to promoting and sustaining the group’s white supremacist ideology.

In contrast to its original formation as a Southern terrorist organization during years of Reconstruction, the KKK of the 20th century invited, and encouraged, the involvement of women and children as part of its attempt to create a core of true believers who would ensure the supposed purity of the white race. After the release of the film Birth of a Nation in 1915, the Ku Klux Klan movement was revived and grew to encompass 3 to 8 million Klansmen by the mid-1920s. Members wanted to keep American society “pure” and free of the supposed taint of anyone who was not white and Protestant—and they believed the best way to achieve that goal was to involve the entire family.

Women played an important role in the KKK, which formed around a mission of “protecting” white women from sexual relationships and contact with black men, Catholics and Jews. Elizabeth Tyler and Edward Young Clarke, PR professionals who took over the day-to-day operations of the KKK in the early 1920s, saw the potential of Klansmen’s wives. The pair soon realized that women, who could newly vote, not only yielded political power but could give much-needed cash to the organization, notes historian Michael Newton. Women’s groups soon sprang up all over the country, and in 1923, the Women of the Ku Klux Klan was created as an umbrella group, gaining 250,000 members within months.

SOURCE : https://www.history.com/news/kkk-youth-recruitment-1920s

[KKK group with children] (copy) digital file from original

About this Item
* [KKK group with children] (copy)

Created / Published
* [between 1912 and 1930]

* Glass negatives.

* Glass negatives

* -  Title devised by Library staff
* -  Date from negatives in same range.
* -  Gift; Herbert A. French; 1947.
* -  General information about the National Photo Company collection is available at http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.npco
* -  This glass negative might show streaks and other blemishes resulting from a natural deterioration in the original coatings.
* -  Temp. note: Batch six

Library of Congress Control Number [login to see]

SOURCE : https://www.loc.gov/resource/npcc.27617/

kkk.) Child's Ku Klux Klan robe

SOURCE : https://search.library.wisc.edu/digital/AJRX5WUOH5ANCO8B


** Is that a confederate flag on the sleeve on a klu-less/klutz/kreep uniform there on one of the historical well documented FACTS photos ?!?

We’ll say it ain’t so. **

Generation KKK executive producer Aengus James has defended the series saying the programme will “expose” Ku Klux Klan tactics and highlight members looking to leave the hate group.

US channel A&E has come under fire for ordering the controversial doc, which follows four prominent Klan families in states such as Mississippi and Georgia with members trying to escape the organisation.

As well as detailing their internal conflicts around KKK affiliation, the show will feature a group of peace activists helping members leave.

Grey’s Anatomy actor Ellen Pompeo has called for a boycott of A&E via Twitter, while author Olivia A. Cole suggested on social media that the programme legitimises the hate group.

SOURCE : https://www.broadcastnow.co.uk/generation-kkk-producer-defends-series/5112454.article
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Let us not forget that President Biden and his minions will have a complete sh/t fit if you say there are only 2 genders.

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