The E.P.A. is trying to do its job.
The Insecticide Chlorpyrifos is damaging enough to health that E.P.A. revoked revoked all tolerances - so no chlorpyrifos allowed. However there is a battle in court. Two years later an appeals court reinstated tolerances.
"Since the Eighth Circuit issued its ruling, EPA has worked with the chlorpyrifos registrants to further reduce pesticide exposures by limiting the registered uses of chlorpyrifos on food to be consistent with the 11 uses referenced by the Eighth Circuit and identified in the 2020 Proposed Interim Registration Review Decision (PID). These 11 food uses are alfalfa, apple, asparagus, cherry (tart), citrus, cotton, peach, soybean, strawberry, sugar beets and wheat (spring and winter) and are limited to specific states that were assessed in the 2020 PID. Based on the available data, retaining only the 11 food uses could decrease average annual pounds of chlorpyrifos applied in the U.S. by 70% as compared to historical usage."
If public comment is still worth anything to the courts . . .
"The registration review process for chlorpyrifos is ongoing. EPA plans to issue an amended PID for chlorpyrifos for public comment followed by an Interim Decision (ID) in 2026."