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Responses: 1
LTC Self Employed

As we know now, president by implicitly and explicitly lied about this point he will not take responsibility for anything. He blames ultra-mega. He blames Vladimir Putin. It's funny even Economist Larry Summers and Economist who worked for President Obama warned him eight months ago of the travesty we are in now of stagflation. He didn't listen to his subordinates and now he's telling us that we don't understand the message and that's why things are messed up now. President Biden is full of BS! No Democrat wants him to be endorsing them because it will be the kiss of death. Left of Lenin Stacey Abrams doesn't want him and many other as well. Stacey Abrams reviles her own state so I would be surprised if Stacey Abrams hates President Biden
as well.
Col (Join to see) SSG Robert Mark Odom SGT Mark Anderson SPC David S. Sgt (Join to see) Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT Jack Durish CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD LT Brad McInnis MSgt Jason McClish LTC John Shaw LTC John Mohor
MSgt Jason McClish
MSgt Jason McClish
>1 y
November could very well be a bad time for the Democratic Party. We’ll find out in just less than 5 months
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Jason McClish today President Biden alluded to emergency Powers he would use if the oil companies don't increase production. I am going to post a question on Rally Point in the next day or two should or is it ethical for President Biden to nationalize the oil industry even though he made the regulations to make it extremely difficult to be successful in the oil business especially if there are no new refineries.
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