Disney’s approval rating is dropping like a sinking stone. Media strategist Giancarlo Sopo wrote: “Yikes. I’ve polled Disney and cannot emphasize enough how abysmal these numbers are for them. Disney’s name ID is 100%. Their fav/unfav rating was 77-21 (+56) last year. Their pos-neg rating is now 33-30 (or +3). Entertainment brand ratings shouldn’t be on par w/ politicians.” In other words, for a company that everyone knows to drop from a 77% approval rating to 33% is a disaster. But has Disney gotten the message? Not at all. It is now launching a children’s clothing line called “Disney Pride Collection” whose profits will go to LGBTQ+ organizations.
What is infuriating to parents is that these companies have no respect for values, norms, or the sanctity of innocence.