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Responses: 5
MSG Stan Hutchison
It's on the Internet so it must be true.
1px xxx
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4 y
I’m a French model.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
4 y
No - it is on the internet so it must be questioned, verified and proved or disproved. Thanks for the critical thinking.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
4 y
SSgt (Join to see) - We need a "sarcasm" tag.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
4 y
Hehehe - we sure do! Maybe I'll go back to my software dev style of speaking in text using markup tags:
<sarcasm>Why would he do that</Sarcasm voice="Homer Simpson>
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SPC Kevin Ford
The problem is it is easy to say stuff and claim stuff on the internet. It is a very different thing to prove that they are true in a court of law.

It's not like people like me just want to you "to just accept it". What we want is for "you" (not you in particular) to show some more critical thinking and not just believing things on the internet because they comport with what you want to believe.

This is very serious stuff. Claiming our election is illegitimate is probably one of the most serious threats to our country in any of our lifetimes. We need to be very, very sure we are right before we try and tear down our entire system of selecting leaders. It can't just be based on some people on the internet telling us what we want to believe.
1px xxx
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4 y
SSgt (Join to see) so where are the investigations and lawsuits in those states?
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
4 y
That was the same question in the article...
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
4 y
SSgt (Join to see) - That's all very well and good, but you need proof to show that the results are bad. Not could have been bad or something could have happened. Actual proof that there were widespread problems that would materially change the results.
1px xxx
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SPC Kevin Ford leaving your door unlocked is not evidence you’ve been robbed.
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SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
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If I drank more than a six-pack each year I would join ya. Hope you don't mind me sipping my tea while we wait.

I'll keep poking da bear while we wait...
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
I don't drink alcohol at all. Toss me a Nehi doesn't have the same impact.
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