La loca Cortez is now trying to put the blame on one of her staffers. Okay, no cows then. People and animals fart. I don't think those Democrats from Hawaii are going to be taking a sailing ship to the West Coast and then take a train to Washington DC? Nancy Pelosi and mainstream Democrats will not let this fly because some of them fly weekly with government-provided Boeing Jets as part of their official duties.
Concerning free money for able-bodied single people who don't feel like working...I already have two 20-something single/childless druggie Dropout stepdaughters in Canada who have the green New Deal reward for being losers and receive welfare money with no incentives to get off welfare.
The green New Deal is pretty much already in Canada for those who don't want to work but who do you want to stay up all night and sleep all day. They do want to get high and they do want to go to concerts and buy beer and more pot on welfare money. We already have that here in the Canadian North.
Imagine giving money to those who don't want to work like my step-daughters?
Smoking pot at a young age (behind our backs) damaged both of their brains. I bet you the people from the anti-fascist movement would love to get free money since they don't seem to be too much different than my druggie, Dropout, unemployed-on-purpose stepdaughters.
Her Green New Deal was was signed on by most Democrats and it's going to bite them in the butt in 2020. You know how you are always told to read something before you sign it? I guess Democrats didn't do that and they are too afraid of losing out to The Fringe element of crazy Cortez socialist left Eco-communism Borg collective. This Eco- communism is Alive and Well in Canada. I have been living in Canada since 2006 and the crap that Cortez talks about has been here pretty much since 2016 . They have carbon taxes that three provinces are fighting, they have pipelines that they can't get built due to local control stopping progress with lawsuits and liberal judges who agree with them. Canada has the fourth largest oil Reserve in the world yet you have idiots like Socialist Jane Fonda fly up here by jet and then by helicopter to tell Canadians to not excavate the oil because it is dirty. Did you ever think that the oil in Hollywood California is just as dirty, Jane Fonda?
The green new deal I will continue to to attack point-by-point since I have to pay carbon taxes on my natural gas bill which was $31 just in carbon taxes last month. My natural gas bill for the month was $150. It would have been about $129 without the golf Delta carbon tax. I'm not going to set my thermostat to 50 degrees Fahrenheit and they know that. I currently pay $0.25 a gallon in carbon taxes but I know prime minister Trudeau wants to raise it to a dollar a gallon or more by 2022. The green New Deal up here in Canada has a liberal government that is schizophrenic. How is the schizophrenic? On one hand they want a pipeline built but on the other hand they are trying to pass legislation were a local government or group can stop the approval process or delay it for years. They also want to pass a supertanker ban on the West Coast to prohibit oil tankers from coming into British Columbia namely Vancouver to take the oil once it comes to the end of the pipeline. This is the kind of crap that you will have to deal with crazy Cortez and her cohort which are already infiltrating parts of the Canadian government. Environmental groups, some of them funded from outside the United States, are preventing progress similar to what Ocasio Cortez wants to do with fossil fuels.
Her Marshall Plan of spending trillions of dollars to retrofit buildings takes away from other parts of the government. My biggest worry is that we will end up with a broken military like Germany has. Germany has no functioning submarines, a gutted officer Corps that is short 10000 officers and pilots who leave in droves because only about 20% of their airplanes are airworthy and they don't get enough flight hours to stay certified. Germany has no functioning submarines and only one-third of their tanks are ready to go. This is my steer is that the green new bad deal will take money away from our defense and bring global cooling by default when Russia or China backs into a corner and we have to use nuclear weapons. Using nuclear weapons, based on a NASA study, will cause a 2 degree Fahrenheit drop in temperature, destruction of the ozone layer, damage to Plankton and fish and shorter growing Seasons due to all the cities burning and particulates from soot being carried into the atmosphere. Crazy Cortez worries about the 12 year countdown but did she ever think that in 12 years we could have a global nuclear war because of her idiocy and her Mantra of stupidity? China and Russia are now being belligerent Nations. Israel and Iran may go at it and same with India and Pakistan. We haven't forgotten about North Korea have we? There are more important parallels to worry about than golf Delta climate change and switching to the stupid common nearsighted, green bad deal!
One more thing, the province of Ontario went green about a decade ago and their utility prices are about six times the u.s. and Canadian national average. Going green and not managing and correctly means that everybody suffers. Not much thought has been put into the green bad deal. Democrats were stupid to sign on without reading the full document or thinking about it. What happened to Democrats and critical thinking?
Somehow, I hear that we are being too mean or that we are purposely targeting crazy Cortez. No, I have to disagree politely that she has brought it to herself. She has been a Firebrand politician trying to scare moderate Democrats to think her way. Pretty much similar to climate science where those scientists who are in disagreement are bullied and kicked out of the science field because it doesn't fit their political agenda.