[login to see] /ref=sr_1_1?crid=1ZOYB4IO2XCN&keywords=norman+vancor&qid= [login to see] &qsid= [login to see] -5320508&sprefix=norman+van%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-1&sres= [login to see] %2CB00949CTQQ%2CB082KZ8ZGM%2CB01M4MCUAF%2CB01N7T7JKJ%2CB00G0IKDWG%2C [login to see] %2CB01MSSDEPK%2CB00FH692PQ%2CB0060OUV5Y%2CB07K4S4J66%2CB081PPNRNF%2CB07WSS5M4Z%2CB01ES349CY%2CB000NWGCZ2%2CB01CT3JVSC
Just finished reading a real-life book on a Marine nominated for the Medal of Honor, served in Vietnam as a Recon, and wrote this book from his personal experience there. It's a must-read and can't put down kind of book! Norm is a friend, and lives across the Connecticut River in Chesterfield, NH.